When we read CNSNews.com managing editor Michael Chapman’s June 2 article rehashing a right-wing psychiatrist’s claim that “transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment,” we thought it looked a little familiar. Turns out…
Did WND’s Farah Really March With Martin Luther King?
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah had another one of his thin-skinned reactions to criticism last week, devoting his May 27 column to misinterpreting Republican activist Bruce Bennett’s contention that readers of right-wing “news”…
MRC Falsely Suggests Sex Ed Is Airing On PBS Kids
The headline on the Media Research Center front page screams “Taxpayer-Funded PBS Pushes Teaching Sex-Ed to 4-Year-Olds,” accompanied by an image of the logo for the PBS Kids channel. It’s a lie….
CNS Misleads About Michelle Obama Commencement Speech
A May 26 CNSNews.com article was dedicated to selectively quoting from Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Oberlin College to ratchet up the outrage factor among CNS’s readers. And judging from the hate…
WND Tries To Revive Fake Clinton Scandals
With Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign under way, WorldNetDaily is reliving its ’90s glory, right down to Joseph Farah dreaming once again of a Hillary perp walk — after all, one of the reason it…
WND Marks 18th Birthday By Telling Lies, Pretending It’s A Real News Organization
WorldNetDaily has been spending the past several days celebrating its 18th birthday — a number more appropriate for a teenager attaining new age-related privileges, not a “news” organization. As can be expected,…
WND Zombie Lie Watch
Back in 2008, ConWebWatch dismantled WorldNetDaily’s claim that then-presidential candidate Barack Obama’s reference to a “civilian national security force” in a speech meant that he wanted to create a police state. In…
Annals of Random Coverage Comparisons At The MRC
The Media Research Center loves to compare coverage of its favorite hobby horses to other random things. The apex (or new low, if you prefer) of this randomness came in an April…
WND’s Corsi Just Can’t Stop Promoting Documented Liar Joel Gilbert
Joel Gilbert is an utterly discredited filmmaker and a charlatan — he even fed false information to WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi that his fellow birthers felt compelled to correct. Bizarrely, Gilbert’s track record as a documented liar…
WND’s Unruh Perpetuates Lies About Sanger, Kinsey
Promoting a conference claiming to “connect the dots between Margaret Sanger’s Malthusian philosophy and belief in promiscuity and hatred for marriage … to the pseudoscience of Dr. Alfred Kinsey discovered by Dr….