The Media Research Center loves to compare coverage of its favorite hobby horses to other random things. The apex (or new low, if you prefer) of this randomness came in an April…
WND’s Corsi Just Can’t Stop Promoting Documented Liar Joel Gilbert
Joel Gilbert is an utterly discredited filmmaker and a charlatan — he even fed false information to WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi that his fellow birthers felt compelled to correct. Bizarrely, Gilbert’s track record as a documented liar…
WND’s Unruh Perpetuates Lies About Sanger, Kinsey
Promoting a conference claiming to “connect the dots between Margaret Sanger’s Malthusian philosophy and belief in promiscuity and hatred for marriage … to the pseudoscience of Dr. Alfred Kinsey discovered by Dr….
WND’s Chumley Tries To Link Walmart to Jade Helm Conspiracy Theory
You can’t deny that WorldNetDaily loves its conspiracy theories. We see that again in an April 20 WND article by Cheryl Chumley: Jade Helm 15 is set to kick off in seven…
WND’s Farah Continues to Pretend He Cares About Miriam Carey
Joseph Farah concern-trolls in his April 17 WorldNetDaily column: With all the outrage about the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the protests over the shooting death of Walter…
MRC Promotes Misleading Claim About Redskins Name
Last November, the Media Research Center’s Dan Joseph interviewed M. Andre Billeaudeaux, author of a children’s book purporting to explain how the Washington Redskins got their name. Billeaudeaux explained that the name…
Oops: Anti-Muslim Activists Fall For Fake Story
A story at the Free Wood Post, claiming that “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has officially designated Donald Trump and his campaign as a hate group,” has captured the attention of…
CNS Managing Editor Is Weirdly Obsessed With Promoting Franklin Graham managing editor Michael W. Chapman is quite the fanboy of right-wing evangelist Franklin Graham. How much so? Since Jan. 1, Chapman has devoted a whopping 25 CNS articles and blog posts…
Meet Aryeh Spero, The Jewish Bradlee Dean
Rabbi Aryeh Spero is apparently the Jewish Bradlee Dean — a liar with a severe case of Obama derangement. That’s the impression we get from Spero’s March 30 column, which begins…
WND’s Farah Tells Lies In Order to Claim Obama Is ‘Anti-Semitic’
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is a liar; it’s what he does. So it’s no surprise that Farah’s March 29 WND column attacking President Obama over his purported stance on Israel is yet…