A story at the Free Wood Post, claiming that “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has officially designated Donald Trump and his campaign as a hate group,” has captured the attention of…
CNS Managing Editor Is Weirdly Obsessed With Promoting Franklin Graham
CNSNews.com managing editor Michael W. Chapman is quite the fanboy of right-wing evangelist Franklin Graham. How much so? Since Jan. 1, Chapman has devoted a whopping 25 CNS articles and blog posts…
Meet Aryeh Spero, The Jewish Bradlee Dean
Rabbi Aryeh Spero is apparently the Jewish Bradlee Dean — a liar with a severe case of Obama derangement. That’s the impression we get from Spero’s March 30 CNSNews.com column, which begins…
WND’s Farah Tells Lies In Order to Claim Obama Is ‘Anti-Semitic’
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah is a liar; it’s what he does. So it’s no surprise that Farah’s March 29 WND column attacking President Obama over his purported stance on Israel is yet…
WND Straight-Up Lies About Margaret Sanger
It’s a general accepted legal principle that the dead can’t be libeled. WorldNetDaily takes full advantage of that in an unbylined March 24 article that simply makes up things about Margaret Sanger:…
First Two Sentences Of A Farah Column Are Lies
The first sentence of Joseph Farah’s March 19 WorldNetDaily column is a lie: First, Barack Obama provided taxpayer dollar [sic] to a nonprofit group he assembled to sabotage the re-election campaign of…
WND’s Newest Lie: Loretta Lynch Is ‘Tied to Terrorists, Drug Cartels’
WorldNetDaily loves the big lie — i.e. Obama was born in Kenya and other falsehoods about his “elibibility — sprinkled amidst numerous smaller lies that come from straight from the top. WND…
MRC’s Graham Baselessly Attacks Anita Hill Again
The fact that Anita Hill has never been proven wrong about her sexual harassment allegations against Clarence Thomas hasn’t kept the Media Research Center from holding a grudge against her for more…
CNS Still Privileges Alveda King With Unearned ‘Dr.’ Title
CNSNews.com loves to privilege Alveda King with the “Dr.” title, even though her doctorate is honorary (from Saint Anselm College) and not earned. It did so again twice this past week. A…
WND’s Loudon Plays Armchair Psychologist Again, Diagnoses Obama As Screwed Up
Last year, WorldNetDaily columist Gina Loudon took to her armchair to invent a diagnosis of President Obama as going insane, then defended her armchair psychology by touting her invented “policology” and declaring…