As a lazy reporter and a homophobe, WorldNetDaily’s Bob Unruh enjoys spreading lies about Houston mayor Annise Parker (whom Unruh is unusually eager to have us know is a lesbian) and that city’s anti-discrimination ordinance. Unruh carries water…
WND’s Diana West Is A Birther Dead-Ender
Diana West lost her gig as a syndicated columnist a few weeks back. Her farewell column offers clues as to why — she praises Dutch anti-Muslim activist Geert Wilders as “the greatest…
WND’s Farah Prays For Others (But Not Himself) To Repent
Joseph Farah discusses New Year’s resolutions in his Dec. 31 WorldNetDaily column: Politics takes place largely in the natural world, and that’s where we live. But we need to recognize there’s a…
Rabidly Anti-Gay Scott Lively Defends Bill Cosby From ‘Lynch Mob Justice’
Scott Lively takes time out from hating gays to defend Bill Cosby against sexual assault allegations in his Dec. 25 WorldNetDaily column: I’m not entirely certain that Bill Cosby is innocent. It…
For The MRC’s Graham, Ted Cruz Is He Who Must Not Be Criticized
As we saw with his attempt to whitewash Scott Walker’s “Molotov” gaffe, Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham is not afraid to play defense for conservatives he deems sufficiently…
MRC’s Graham Declares Walker ‘Molotov’ Gaffe To Be ‘Tiny’
When it was revealed that Republican Wisconsin Go. Scott Walker had wished “Molotov” instead of “mazel tov” to a Jewish constituent, the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham knew he had to spring…
WND and Operation Rescue’s Anti-Abortion Book Tanks
A few months back, we reported on WorldNetDaily’s then-upcoming book by Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, which claims to be a “practical manual” that teaches people “what you can do…
Facts Don’t Matter To Anti-Gay Activist at WND
Michael Brown writes in a Dec. 10 WorldNetDaily column: Two weeks ago, I wrote a column entitled, “Is Michelle Duggar guilty of ‘LGBTQ fear-mongering’?” In response, Camille Beredjick, posted an article on the…
MRC Can’t Stop Being Mad That Conservatives Are Labeled As Conservative
The Media Research Center’s Clay Waters has a weird fixation on stories about conservatives that label conservatives as conservatives. He’s at it again in a Dec. 4 NewsBusters post: The New York…
AIM Trots Out Rabid Obama-Hater To Trash GOP Benghazi Report
WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein isn’t the only right-winger who can’t accept the results of the Republican-led House committee’s debunking of right-wing Benghazi conspiracy theories. Accuracy in Media — home of the little kangaroo…