WorldNetDaily wants a reason President Obama uses ISIL instead of ISIS to refer to the Islamic State extremist group currently running roughshod in Iraq and Syria. But the truth is too boring,…
WND’s Farah Still Can’t Take Criticism Well, Lies To Defend Himself
Joseph Farah has a notoriously thin skin when it comes to criticism of himself and WorldNetDaily, and it was on full display yet again in his Sept. 4 WND column. Farah was…
WND Pretends Aaron Klein Isn’t A Birther
Aaron Klein has a new book coming out, and WorldNetDaily desperately wants to present him as a serious writer. So much so, in fact, that it’s freaking out about Media Matters reminding…
CNS Rehashes 2-Month-Old Anti-Transgender Attack
It’s either a slow news week, or managing editor Michael Chapman was feeling particularly hateful. Those are pretty much the only logical explanations for Chapman’s Aug. 20 CNS article, in which…
WND Publishing Book By Contributors To Abortion Doctor’s Murder
Scheduled to be published on Oct. 2 by WorldNetDaily’s WND Books subsidiary is “Abortion Free” by Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, which claims to be a “practical manual” that teaches…
WND Columnist Botches Facts On U.S. Humanitarian Aid To Gaza
Ben Kinchlow gets a couple things wrong about the U.S. role in the Israel-Hamas conflict in his July 28 WorldNetDaily column. First, he writes: “Please correct me if I am wrong, but…
WND’s Loudon Tries To Capitalize On Teen Daughter’s Relationship With 57-Year-Old Actor
What to make of Gina Loudon? We’ve already noted her apparent mental health issues as manifested in the dishonesty and Obama derangement that appears in her WorldNetDaily column. Now she has devoted…
WND’s Erik Rush Is Still A Putin Propagandist
Erik Rush loves serving as a propagandist for Russia’s Vladimir Putin. He does so again in his July 23 WorldNetDaily column, in which he defends Russia from accusations that it’s responsible for…
WND’s Farah Admits Gun-At-Airport Mistake, Tries To Blame It On Liberals Anyway
WorldNetDaily rather belatedly notes editor Joseph Farah’s getting caught at an airport with a loaded revolver — not as a news article, even though it certainly is news, but as a column…
WND’s Unruh Pretends Ed Klein Is Credible
Bob Unruh uncritically promotes Ed Klein in a July 7 WorldNetDaily article: Ed Klein, the longtime journalist, author and commentator, once described Barack Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett as the “de facto”…