WorldNetDaily will publish pretty much any smear of President Obama, so it was happy when one of its own columnists did the smearing. Drew Zahn writes in a June 6 article: A…
Bradlee Dean Promises Facts, Tells More Lies Instead
In his June 5 WorldNetDaily column, Bradlee Dean promises to “lay out the facts (yes, I said facts), not opinions, not half lies or distortions” about his defamation lawsuit against MSNBC’s Rachel…
MRC Writers Trash A Movie They’ve Never Seen
Journalistic honesty dictates that you actually watch the movie you’re passing judgment on. The Media Research Center apparently doesn’t care about such things. In a June 2 MRC Culture & Media Institute…
NewsBusters Fooled By Fake Seth Rogen Twitter Account
Jeffrey Lord dedicated a May 31 NewsBusters post to attacking actor Seth Rogen for allegedly issuing a tweet in 2012 bashing Mitt Romney. Why do that? To claim hypocrisy over Rogen’s outrage…
WND’s Erik Rush: My Conspiracy Theories Are True!
In his May 21 WorldNetDaily column, Erik Rush bashes a Newsweek writer’s attempt to shoot down various conspiracy theories (though, characteristically, he doesn’t provide a link to this article so his readers…
MRC Whiffs On Purported ‘Radical Environmentalism’ In ‘Godzilla’ Film
Sean Long writes in a May 16 Media Research Center Business & Media Institute item: It is a sad day when the iconic Godzilla becomes a vessel for extreme environmentalism. Gareth Edwards’…
WND Crawls Back In Bed With Discredited Filmmaker Joel Gilbert
WorldNetDaily was so desperate to destroy President Obama in 2012 that it embraced Joel Gilbert, a filmmaker untethered by reality who had just released a smear job baselessly speculating that Obama’s real…
MRC Still Touting Gosnell Crowdfunding, Still Won’t Ask About Billboard
Matt Philbin effuses in a May 9 Media Research Center item: Here’s a story for the nightly news: a plucky upstart overcomes establishment hostility to reach a seemingly impossible goal. The problem…
WND’s Unruh Cranks Out More Lazy, One-Sided Journalism
WorldNetDaily’s Bob Unruh has long engaged in anti-journalistic practices like refusing to tell the side of the story he personally disagrees with. He’s at it again in a May 8 article, which…
WND’s Two Views Of Anti-Muslim Filmmaker, Both Misguided
Jack Cashill devotes his May 7 WorldNetDaily column to depicting filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula as a scapegoat for Benghazi, letting Nakoula complain that leaked information about his criminal record endangered his life:…