There are so many reasons that nobody believes WorldNetDaily, and WND keeps serving up more of them. A Feb. 10 WND article by Drew Zahn begins: One of the FBI’s former top…
Newsmax’s Doug Wead Shifts His Paul-Fawning From Ron to Rand
Newsmax columnist Doug Wead spent a good chunk of the 2012 presidential election process being a cheerleader for Ron Paul. Now that Paul has retired from Congress, it’s no surprise that Wead…
‘ObamaCare Survival Guide’ Book Is A Newsmax Operation
Over the past several weeks, Newsmax has been heavily promoting a book called the “ObamaCare Survival Guide.” Unsurprisingly, it’s a negative view of Obamacare, as Politico notes. Newsmax, however, doesn’t want to…
WND’s Erik Rush Cranks Up the Crazy (But Not At WND)
WorldNetDaily has been ratcheting up the anti-Obama and anti-liberal derangement as of late. For instance, in his Jan. 10 WND column, he blames liberals for the rise of “true supernatural evil, that…
WND’s Farah Bails on Prayer Breakfast After All
WorldNetDaily has been in a uproar over editor Joseph Farah being disinvited from an inauguration day prayer breakfast — until he was re-invited as prayer breakfast organizer Rev. Merrie Turner abruptly repudiated…
WND Keeps Up Prayer Breakfast Deception
WorldNetDaily isn’t going to tell its readers the full truth about the inauguration prayer breakfast WND editor Joseph Farah was briefly removed from. A Jan. 19 WND article by Drew Zahn repeats…
Erik Rush’s Chinese Conspiracy
Erik Rush has been veering off the deep end of late with epidemic levels of Obama derangement. He’s cranking it up again with his Jan. 16 WorldNetDaily column that cites that old…
CNS Lets Alveda King Falsely Call Herself ‘Dr.” Again published a Jan. 15 column by Alveda King in which she is allowed to refer to herself as “Dr.” As we’ve pointed out previously when CNS has done this, and as…
Prayer Breakfast Organizer Flip-Flops on Farah’s Invitation
Last week we noted how Media Matters (disclosure: my employer) reported on WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah being removed from the guest list of a Inauguration Day prayer breakfast. Since then, somebody’s story…
CNS Quietly Makes Another False Article Disappear
Penny Starr wrote in a Jan. 14 article: A Department of Justice (DOJ) report on “Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008,” indicates that Americans under 18 are more than 3.5…