Following in the footsteps of Ed Koch at Newsmax, Kevin DeAnna uses an Aug. 28 WorldNetDaily column to defend the Russian prosecution of the punk band Pussy Riot for “hooliganism” — then…
AIM’s Kincaid Quotes Racist Jared Taylor — Again
Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid really, really likes Jared Taylor and his racist group American Renaissance. In an Aug. 28 AIM column, Kincaid approvingly quotes Taylor’s opinion on: Jared Taylor, who runs…
Ed Koch Defends Putin’s Prosecution of Punk Band
Most observers have viewed the prosecution of Russian punk band Pussy Riot for performing an anti-Putin song in an Orthodox cathedral as a sign of growing intolerance of political dissent in Russia….
The Lies Just Keep Coming From Joseph Farah’s Mouth
Joseph Farah just can’t stop lying, can he? Apparently not, since now he’s down to recycling his old lies. In his Aug. 8 WorldNetDaily column, Farah claims that former White House communications director Anita Dunn “fawn[s]…
Another Vadum Fail: Falsely Claims Obama Wants To ‘Disenfranchise Soldiers’
The dickish, thin-skinned, factually challenged Matthew Vadum has struck again. In an Aug. 6 FrontPageMag post, Vadum claims that President Obama is engaging in a “nickel-and-dime approach to disenfranchisement” by challenging an…
WND’s Farah Lies About Obama For Second Time This Week
WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah has demonstrated long ago he cares nothing about the truth, so it’s no surprise that for the second time in a week, he’s telling easily disproven lies about President Obama….
WND’s Farah Lies About Obama … To Sell Flag Pins
Let’s pick apart the lies in Joseph Farah’s July 27 WorldNetDaily column: During his 2008 campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama took off an American flag pin he had been wearing on his…
WND’s Klein Doesn’t Challenge Zullo’s Falsehoods
On his July 22 WABC radio show, WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein interviewed Mike Zullo on the subject of President Obama’s birth certificate, during which he repeated his earlier claim about numbers written on…
CNS Just Can’t Stop Being Dishonest About Planned Parenthood, it seems, is simply unable to stop falsely framing Planned Parenthood’s federal funding. In a July 19 CNS article, Elizabeth Harrington repeats CNS’ boilerplate assertion that “Planned Parenthood received $487.4 million…
Newsmax’s Ruddy Hanging Out in Africa With Bill Clinton
How times change. Newsmax started life in 1997 under the editorship of Christopher Ruddy and the funding of Richard Mellon Scaife with the express purpose of attacking the Clinton presidency and cheerleading…