Joseph Farah takes the Cliff Kincaid route by endorsing Ryan Sorba’s anti-gay rant at CPAC in his Feb. 25 WorldNetDaily column: “Sorba rightfully condemned the conference for accepting sponsorship from a group…
Kincaid Sides With CPAC Gay-Basher
It’s completely unsurprising that Cliff Kincaid would lionize Ryan Sorba, the activist known for his anti-gay rant at CPAC, and he does just that in his Feb. 22 Accuracy in Media column….
WND Still Trying to Weasel Out of CAIR Lawsuit
WorldNetDaily is is still spinning its anti-CAIR book and the resulting lawsuit by CAIR against co-author David Gaubatz (and his son, who went undercover at CAIR and pilfered numerous documents that formed…
Doug Wead’s Passive-Aggressive Obama Attack
Doug Wead, in his Jan. 6 Newsmax column, concedes that it’s unfair to claim President Obama is soft on terrorism. Still, Wead does so anyway. Wead asserts that “Obama was too late…
CNS’ Starr Launches Another Anti-Abortion Attack
Penny Starr managed to avoid calling someone a baby-killer this time, but her anti-abortion bias was clearly evident in her Jan. 4 article on a poll on the website of “pro-abortion…
CNS Reporter Smears Reid As Baby-Killer Like King Herod
My goodness, reporter Penny Starr has some serious hatred in her heart for Harry Reid — she essentially calls him a baby-killer. From Starr’s Dec. 21 column: It’s more than a…
Zombie Lies About Obama At WND
Lies simply don’t die in the right-wing media — they keep coming back for more. Yet another example of this is Robert Ringer, who dusts off an oldie-but-goodie to smear President Obama…
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, WorldNetDaily Division
Barack Obama has now elected to carry on in the Hate America First leftist tradition of treason. It would appear that the only possible reason for one civilian trial is to hand…
Does Joseph Farah Apply Psalm 109:9 to Obama Too?
In a Nov. 17 WorldNetDaily column asserting America is getting what it deserves with the election of Barack Obama, Joseph Farah invokes Psalm 109:8: “Let his days be few; and let another…
Farah Blames WND Readers For Not Giving Him Money to Promote Birther Issue
Joseph Farah has decided that he is not to blame for waning interest in WorldNetDaily’s birther attacks. No, he writes in his Nov. 14 column, it’s WND readers who are to blame:…