In an Oct. 7 NewsBusters post, Tim Graham insists that Tom Brokaw, moderator for tonight’s presidential debate, is a “strongly biased moderator” who is “part of the liberal media” and chock-full of…
Ponte Misleads About Obama, ACORN
An Oct. 6 Newsmax article by Lowell Ponte asserts that Barack Obama “can’t hide from the facts of his close relationship” with “the radical group ACORN,” but Ponte appears to overstate his…
Will WND Mention Brokaw, Schieffer’s GOP Leanings?
So WorldNetDaily ran two articles by Bob Unruh highlighting that Gwen Ifill, moderator of the vice presidential debate, has a conflict of interest because she’s writing a book about racial politics in…
CNS Still Treating Alveda King’s Honorary Doctorate As Real
A Sept. 30 article by Mary Jane O’Brien about an interview by CNS editor-in-chief Terry Jeffrey of anti-abortion activist Alveda King repeatedly refers to her as “Dr. Alveda King” and “Dr….
What ‘Civil Rights Leaders’?
A Sept. 24 article by Penny Starr asserts that “A group of civil rights leaders and conservative congressmen held a press conference on Tuesday to announce proposed legislation that would prohibit…
Ponte: Media Is Racist for Noting Palin Hubby’s DUI
Lowell Ponte takes a massive leap of logic, not to mention common sense, in his Sept. 2 Newsmax column: [Sarah Palin’s] husband, the liberal media reported, back in the 1980s got a ticket…
Corsi Baselessly Suggests Obama Still Using Drugs
The first tidbit from Jerome Corsi’s new anti-Obama book is out, and it’s … not much. A July 30 WorldNetDaily article goes the baseless speculation route by highlighting a suggestion by Corsi…
MRC Silent on Study Documenting Negative Obama Media Coverage
A study on media bias issued by the Center for Media and Public Affairs should be a big deal for the Media Research Center. After all, as we’ve noted, the CMPA is…
Another WND Lie About Obama
If Joseph Farah was capable of a sense of shame, he would apologize. In a July 15 WorldNetDaily column, Farah sounded the alarm bells about a statement Barack Obama made in a…
MRC Attacks Analysis As Liberal — But Conservative Group Based Its Analysis On It
A July 15 Media Research Center article gave a “Worst of the Week” award to news organizations that cited an analysis by the Tax Policy Center of John McCain’s and Barack Obama’s…