A May 20 NewsBusters post by Robert Knight fowards one of the more absurd ideas of the election season: that the 70,000-plus attending a speech by Barack Obama in Portland didn’t go…
Real Journalists vs. WND
A May 13 item on the Columbia Journalism Review’s website described how ABC’s Jake Tapper handled the out-of-context twisting of Obama’s “constant sore” comment: Of course, WorldNetDaily did none of this —…
WND Takes Obama Out of Context
(Updated)(and updated again)(and once more) Another Obama-bashing May 13 WorldNetDaily article taken from an interview Barack Obama did with the Atlantic magazine misleadingly claims that Obama “says Israel is a ‘constant wound’…
What Aaron Klein Didn’t Report
A May 13 WorldNetDaily article by Aaron Klein played up Barack Obama’s response to Klein’s manufactured controversy over a Hamas spokesman offering support for Obama’s campaign, negatively framing it as Obama saying…
WND Lies and Misleads About Library Internet Filters
An April 24 WorldNetDaily article by Alyssa Farah creatively reinterprets a debate over Internet content filters on public-access computers in Sacramento, Calif., libraries. How creative? The term “content filter” doesn’t appear anywhere…
‘Powerful Circumstantial Evidence’
The Capital Research Center’s Matthew Vadum tries again to attack Media Matters (disclosure: our employer) in an April 15 NewsBusters post, claiming it’s a “George Soros-funded character assassination factory” and insisting there…
Us Vs. CRC
The Capital Research Center’s Matthew Vadum responds to our critique of his NewsBusters posts on Al Gore: Unfortunately, though, you appear to have missed the point of the post. Let me explain….
The Gore-Bashing Baton Passes At NewsBusters
Now that Noel Sheppard has apparently decided not to accept our challenge to support his unsubstantiated claim that Al Gore is into global warming activism only for the Benjamins, it was inevitable…
It’s An Anti-Obama Frenzy! (And Naked Women!)
How much does WorldNetDaily hate Barack Obama? At this writing, WorldNetDaily has no less than six anti-Obama articles on its front page. The lead article, by Jerome Corsi, proclaims: “Revealed: Obama’s dad…
In a shocking turn of events, a March 12 NewsBusters post by Noel Sheppard — who has a long history of not disclosing the conservative, energy industry-funded nature of groups who oppose…