Bill Donohue is a deeply dishonest man, desperate to smear others to protect his particular brand of right-wing Catholicism. He demonstrated this again in a July 27 column that began: Pope Francis is in…
Tag: Bill Donohue
CNS’ Donohue Spews Homophobic Hate Over Monkeypox
With monkeypox infections on the rise, notoriously homophobic columnist Bill Donohue knew who to heap scorn on. He ranted in a July 20 column: “Monkeypox can be exceptionally painful,” says Patrick Ashley,…
CNS Censors Donohue, Greene Duking It Out Over Catholic Stuff loves far-right extremrist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. It also loves dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue. So you’d think a controversy involving both of them would be splashed all over CNS, right? Well, think again….
CNS’ Donohue Has A Belated (And Ahistorical) Meltdown Over ‘Maus’
A good couple of decades late to the party, dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue tried to capitalize on the current right-wing obsession with banning the graphic novel “Maus” in his March 23…
CNS’ Donohue Lies About Riot Punishment Disparity
Dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue complained in his Feb. 23 column: On Feb. 15, Edward McAlanis was sentenced to six months probation, 60 hours of community service, and $500 in restitution. He was previously…
Dishonest Catholic Donohue Lets His Homophobic Flag Fly
Dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue has expanded from his usual brand of homophobia — falsely blaming them for clergy sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church — to a more generalized form. In…
CNS’ Donohue Still Misleading Over Clergy Sexual Abuse
Dishonest Catholic and columnist Bill Donohue just loves to mislead readers about the nature and extent of clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. And he shows no sign of stopping,…
CNS’ Donohue Serves Up More Bad Takes
We’ve noted right-wing Catholic activist and columnist Bill Donohue’s dishonest campaign to blame homosexuality for Catholic priest sexual abuse of children (most of whom, he insists, were post-pubescent and purportedly weren’t…
CNS’ Donohue Continues to Misinform About Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse
Right-wing Catholic activist Bill Donohue has long been dishonest about the issue of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church — eager to heap blame on the supposed excess of gay priests when…
CNS’ Donohue: Columbus Day Justified Because Native Americans Were Violent Thugs
Leading up to Columbus Day, published a three-part series by dishonest Catholic Bill Donohue on why Americans should celebrate Columbus Day enthusiastically and without guilt. In his Oct. 6 column, Donohue…