The Media Research Center censored all mention of the arrest, filing of additional charges, and conviction of Brent “Zeeker” Bozell IV, son of MRC chief Brent Bozell III, on charges related to…
Tag: Brent Bozell
MRC’s DeSantis Defense Brigade Watch, Softball Interview Edition
The Media Research Center’s DeSantis Defense Brigade hasn’t exactly helped Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, as it’s still mired in the lower end of polling. So the MRC tried one last-ditch effort to…
MRC Censors Bozell’s Son Getting Convicted On Capitol Riot Offenses
Actual news outlets reported this news: The son of a prominent conservative activist has been convicted of charges that he stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan, 6, 2021, bashed in a window, chased a…
MRC’s Double Standard On Deleted Tweets
The Media Research Center looks for any excuse to attack non-right-wing media outlet — even when they do the responsible thing and delete tweets that contain incorrect information. Curtis Houck lashed out…
MRC Still Censoring All Mention Of Bozell’s Son Arrested At Capitol Riot
When Brent “Zeeker” Bozell IV, son of Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell, was arrested for his participation in the Capitol insurrection, the MRC censored all mention of it on its websites….
Logrolling In Our Time: Brent Bozell, Craig Shirley and CNS editor Terry Jeffrey giving a softball interview to his boss, Brent Bozell, is not the only way Bozell’s memoir has been promoted by the Media Research Center he runs. There’s a…
The Softest Of Softballs: CNS Editor Interviews Boss To Plug His New Book
As much as the Media Research Center loves to complain about “liberal media” figures giving softball interviews to people, it has no problem when the softballs are coming from its fellow right-wing…
Does MRC’s Promotion Of Bozell’s New Book Violate Nonprofit Rules?
For the past few months, the Media Research Center has been giving aggressive promotion to chief Brent Bozell’s new memoir, “Stops Along The Way,” mainly in the form of numerous emails to…
MRC Backs Bongino’s Fight Against Vaccine Mandate — But Is Bongino Just Virtue-Signaling?
Right-wing radio host Dan Bongino has been a favorite of the Media Research Center for a while, particularly when he claimed to be an investor in right-wing social media site Parler. Of…
Bozell’s Self-Unaware Quip About Media and Cuomo
For one of the more self-unaware rantings we’ve seen, here’s an Aug. 12 NewsBusters post: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Thursday slammed journalists who are trying to remind people of…