The Media Research Center generally hates LGBT people and thinks the fact that they’re allowed to be on TV is evidence of some sort of “agenda.” A couple recent posts fed that…
Tag: Brent Bozell
MRC Finally Gives Graham Sole Credit For The Column He Writes
Back in 2014, it was revealed that Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell didn’t actually write his twice-weekly syndicated column — director of media analysis Tim Graham did. While both Bozell and Graham refused…
MRC’s Bozell Shows Double Standard Again On Presidential Credit for A Terrorist Leader’s Death
An anonymously written Jan. 3 Media Research Center post states: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell appeared on Varney and Co., Friday, to hammer the media’s response to the death of terrorist…
Brent Bozell, Terrible Tweeter
We know that Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell is generally a terrible person — after all, he had his syndicated column ghost-written for him for years. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Bozell is also…
The MRC’s Own ‘News’ Operation Fails Bozell’s Test Of News Operations
During a Dec. 13 Fox Business appearance (apparently he couldn’t get on Fox News proper), Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell huffed: Look at CNN’s audience. It’s collapsed. It’s a worldwide network…
MRC’s Bozell, Trump Jr. Use Facebook Live to Bash Facebook
The Facebook-hating Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell got to have his Nov. 12 chat with Donald Trump Jr. on, yes, Facebook Live. The only segment that the MRC highlighted to promote…
MRC’s Bozell Shows Double Standard Again On Presidential Credit for A Terrorist Leader’s Death
Tim Graham and Brent Bozell complain in their Oct. 30 column: The successful U.S. military campaign to bring swift justice to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is clearly a big, big victory…
Facebook-Hating MRC Sets Bozell-Trump Jr. Interview On Facebook Live
It appears all those free dinners with Mark Zuckerberg have paid off for Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell. As we’ve documented, the Facebook chief has been sucking up to Bozell and…
Facebook-Bashing MRC Goes To Defense Mode After It’s Revealed Zuckerberg Sucked Up To Bozell
The Media Research Center has been waging a prolonged war on Facebook for allegedly discriminating against conservatives and their viewpoint (despite the fact that the evidence to support that is cherry-picked and…
MRC Complains Its ‘Right-Wing Media Machine’ Is Called Out, Offers Only Whataboutism In Response
The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham and Brent Bozell huff in their Oct. 2 column: CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy is warning the public about a “right-wing media machine” that has demonstrated…