Earlier this year, WorldNetDaily put out a cattle call for writers for its website, claiming the job was about “writing news and reporting the truth accurately” while hiding the fact that it’s…
Tag: David Kupelian
NEW ARTICLE: Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 3
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian has used the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine to hypocritically accuse others of what he and WND have been doing for years. Read more >>
WND Hypocritically Complains About Trump-Hitler Comparisons Yet Again
Bob Unruh served a hoary old complaint in an April 18 WorldNetDaily article: Hitler was the worst. Ever. Not that Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong were lightweights when it came to killing,…
NEW ARTICLE: Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 2
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian’s baby, the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine, continued its demonization of anybody who’s not as far-right as Kupelian and WND are. Read more >>
WND’s Sparsely Read Magazine Fearmongers About The ‘Deep State’
The theme of the May issue of WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine was “Secrets of the Deep State,” and it is unsurprisingly filled with all the conspiracy theories you’ve come to expect…
Opposite-Land Resident David Kupelian Uses WND Mag To Accuse Others Of Living There
The theme of the April edition of WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine is “OPPOSITE LAND: A stunning tour of the Left’s total inversion of morality, history and reality” — which, of course,…
NEW ARTICLE: Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism
WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine, the baby of managing editor David Kupelian, pushes the the same misinformation, fake news and right-wing obsessions as its parent website. Read more >>
WND Magazine Smears Liberals As Psychopaths, Rehashes Old Attacks On Obama
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine has insisted that Democrats and liberals hate women, are child sex traffickers, are godless communists, are in league with Satan or are inciting violence (and probably all of…
WND Magazine Rants About Democrats ‘Inciting Violence’
In recent months, WorldNetDaily’s sparsely read Whistleblower magazine has become mostly about demonizing anyone who’s not as far-right as the managing editor for whom this magazine is his baby, David Kupelian: In…
WND Thinks Anyone Not As Far-Right As Them Is In League With Satan
We’ve shown how WorldNetDaily uses its sparsely read Whistleblower magazine to attack anyone who’s not as far-right as it is with various epithets — as not merely being wrong, but also evil….