WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian quickly went conspiratorial in a Feb. 1 email to readers: Big Tech is attacking WND again. Here’s their latest attempt to put one of the Internet’s oldest…
Tag: David Kupelian
Swamp Creature: WND’s Kupelian Again Hypocritically Lashes Out At Non-Right-Wing Media
Aside from being tasked to help keep WorldNetDaily alive through its ongoing financial crisis, David Kupelian’s stock in trade these days is to pretend that WND always tells the truth and has…
Lying Scammers At WND Unhappy About Being Called Lying Scammers
The snowflakes at WorldNetDaily still can’t take criticism. When Media Matters (disclosure: we used to work there) called out right-wing operatives and media figures for trying to raise money off of President…
Kupelian Lies Some More About WND Reporting The Truth
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian loves to tell the lie that WND reports the truth, usually as a ploy to get people to give him money to keep WND afloat. He did…
WND’s Farah, Kupelian Hypocritically Rant About Things
or her Oct. 9 video — taking a break from peddling far-right politics under the guise of “DIY Bible study” and now claiming to offer “Truth in the Booth” — WorldNetDaily’s Elizabeth…
WND Repeatedly Smeared Obama As Nazi — But Again Hypocritically Complains About Trump-Nazi Smears
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian began his Aug. 25 column this way: “Close your eyes. Remember what you saw on television. Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and Klansmen and white supremacists coming out of a…
Kupelian Mad That WND Is Accurately Described
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian continued his routine of pretending that nobody knows what WND is really about in a July 23 email to readers addressed to the “Pro-Family American” Kupelian likes…
NEW ARTICLE: WND’s ‘Real News’ Failure
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian is no Joseph Farah, so his insistence that WND cares about the “truth” rings even more hollow. Has he forgotten that WND has a 20-plus-year track record…
Kupelian Still Laughably Claiming That WND Publishes The Truth
He’s no Joseph Farah, but David Kupelian — who’s mostly running WorldNetDaily these days while Farah remains out of commission — is fully embracing Farah’s delusion that WND publishes the truth, despite…
After 23 Years, WND Is Still Pretending It Doesn’t Push Misinformation
With Joseph Farah apparently still out of commission — his only recent contribution in the past few months was a May 13 column bizarrely declaring against all evidence to the contrary that…