A Jan. 21 WorldNetDaily article by David Kupelian, tagged as a “WND Exclusive,” carried the proud headline “My interview with the doctor who gave America legalized abortion: David Kupelian’s revealing conversation with…
Tag: David Kupelian
WND’s Kupelian Not Learning The Right Lesson From His Heart Attack
Like his boss Joseph Farah — who repeatedly fails to see a connection between WorldNetDaily’s history of promoting conspiracies and fake news and its current life on the edge of extinction — WND managing editor…
WND’s Kupelian: Democrats Are Either Idiots Or Insane
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian uses his Nov. 19 column — taken from the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine — to rant about “the progressive left’s growing descent into madness,” asking among other things:…
Speaking of Mass Hysteria…
WorldNetDaily’s promotion for its sparsely read Whistleblower magazine has the theme of “Mass Hysteria,” and it’s promoted thusly: Americans are living through an era of mass hysteria, in which Democrat politicians, entertainment…
WND’s Kupelian Also Begs For Money, Also Refuses To Concede Its Content Is The Problem
Joseph Farah isn’t the only WorldNetDaily bigwig who was begging for money last month. Managing editor David Kupelian took a shot at in in an Aug. 9 column by starting out being…
Irony Abounds In WND Managing Editor’s Defense of Trump, His Employer
In his monthly-or-so plea for money, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian serves up some unintentional irony: We are living in amazing but unsettling times. Millions of Americans – while more grateful than…
WND’s Kupelian: No Collusion! Obama Is The Collusion!
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian has to go deep into his well of Obama derangement to deflect from credible accusations of pro-Trump meddling by the Russians during the 2016 election — as…
Facts Contradict Kupelian’s Case That WND Deserves To Live
WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian’s monthly begging-for-money letter to readers kicks off with the usual WND pro-Trump rah-rah: We are bombarded daily with increasingly bizarre and surreal news reports. Like the outrageously…
David Kupelian’s Selective Massacre Memory
An April 8 column finds WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian in another lecturing mood, this time over the causes of mass shootings: Guns. Bullying. Mental illness. Psychiatric medications. Violent videogames. Fatherlessness. The…
David Kupelian’s Factual Fail
As a sidebar to the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine’s theme of the month, “Why the Left Hates America” (“Christianity, the flag, free speech, being white – when did they become problems?”) WorldNetDaily…