George Noory is the host of an overnight radio show that delves into paranormal happenings and conspiracy theories. Jerome Corsi, well, you know who he is — a sleazy, discredited peddler of…
Tag: Jerome Corsi
WND Comes To The Defense of Corsi
WorldNetDaily hasn’t had much to say about Jerome Corsi after he left WND in early 2017 to go further down the credibility spiral to work for Infowars. But now that Corsi has…
Did WND Know The Seth Rich Conspiracy Was Fake News All Along?
Last week, the Daily Beast reported that Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone, despite spending the past two years promoting the conspiracy theory that Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered because…
Newsmax Still Won’t Disclose It Published Corsi’s Book
We’ve seen before that as conspiratorial writer Jerome Corsi gets deeper into trouble as part of Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation, Newsmax is reluctant to admit that it, under its Humanix Books division,…
Newsmax Doesn’t Disclose It Published Corsi’s Book
When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former WorldNetDaily writer Jerome Corsi got subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury looking into Russian election interference, Newsmax was quick to exploit it: Jerome Corsi, author…
O’Reilly Not Helping His Credibility By Promoting Corsi’s Book
We’ve noted how Newsmax has been courting disgraced former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly for months, in conjunction with an image rehab operation it’s doing for him by giving him a platform…
Not A Good Sign: Ed Klein Endorses Corsi’s Trump Book
In promoting Jerome Corsi’s new pro-Trump conspiracy book fearmongering about the “Deep State,” Newsmax has to sidestep the elephant in the room: Corsi’s utter lack of credibility as a diehard Obama birther…
Newsmax Is Publishing, Promoting New Book By Jerome Corsi
When birther and conspiracy theorist left WorldNetDaily a year ago to move further down the credibility spiral for a job at Alex Jones’ Infowars — where he has been peddling even wackier…
Down the Credibility Spiral: Corsi Moves from WND to Infowars
Jerome Corsi made the announcement on Twitter: He has left WorldNetDaily to join Alex Jones’ Inforwars operation, where he hopes to be its White House correspondent, if he can get the credentials….
WND’s Corsi Cites Another ‘Trusted’ Source, Flip-Flops on Turkey to Bash Obama
In 2011, WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi cited “trusted Kenyan professionals” in an attack on President Obama, accusing him of breaking obscure “promises” he made to various people in the country. In fact, the…