Joseph Farah’s Oct. 9 WorldNetDaily column begins ominously: We live in turbulent times. Civil strife is increasing. Division characterizes our society. There are wars and rumors of wars – the kind that…
Tag: Joseph Farah
WND’s Farah Offers His Usual Load of Hooey To A Reporter
WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah began his Oct. 2 column in his usual tone, mocking the feminist website Jezebel by invoking the biblical Jezebel with “her penchant for child sacrifice, the elevation of…
Logrolling In Our Time, WND Award Edition
A Sept. 30 WorldNetDaily article dutifully gushes: WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah is set to receive the first-ever M. Stanton Evans Lifetime Achievement for Excellence in Journalism award at the 2018…
WND’s Farah Still Has Thin Skin, But Doesn’t Disprove White-Nationalist Allegations
Joseph Farah’s thin skin shows up yet again in his Sept. 12 WorldNetDaily column, in which he rants that an obscure blog has committed a “blood libel” against him: A blog called…
WND’s Farah Lies About Margaret Sanger
Inveterate liar Joseph Farah spent his Sept. 8 WorldNetDaily column ranting that Margaret Sanger “had ties to the KKK and the Nazis and was a white supremacist.” Shockingly, he provides what he…
NEW ARTICLE: Joseph Farah, The Right-Wing Zelig
Did the WorldNetDaily editor really march with Martin Luther King, pal around with radicals as a youth and dream up the “Left Behind” books first? That’s what he’ll tell you. Is it…
WND’s ‘Sanhedrin’ Freakout — And Fail
Leo Hohmann complains in an Aug. 31 WorldNetDaily article: The state of Israel’s religious establishment is taking its persecution of Messianic Jewish believers in Jesus to a new level. A rabbinic court,…
Farah Brings Back WND’s Favorite Zombie Lie
Aside from the birther stuff, the biggest bit of fake news WorldNetDaily has perpetuation over the past decade is that Barack Obama’s 2008 reference to a “civilian national security force” was something…
WND Still Thinks ‘Alt-Left’ Exists, Farah Still Wants Credit For Naming It
Last time we checked, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah was demanding credit for inventing the term “alt-left,” despite the fact that the “alt-left” is not a thing. So WND suddenly had a momentous…
WND’s Farah Spins Another Charlottesville Conspiracy Theory
We’ve noted how spinning conspiracy theories has been a key part of WorldNetDaily’s coverage of the events in Charlottesville, Va. And WND’s leader, Joseph Farah, made sure he contributed to the cause:…