Leo Hohmann writes in a Dec. 17 WorldNetDaily article — headlined “Obama mum after ‘best friend’ tosses U.S. pastor in prison” — that “An American pastor in Turkey has been imprisoned on…
Tag: Leo Hohmann
WND’s Hohmann Fears Trump Won’t Hate Muslims As Much As He Promised
The panic is almost palpable from Leo Hohmann in his Dec. 8 WorldNetDaily article: Donald Trump made statements to Time magazine in its “person of the year” article that reverberated with great…
WND: Only Christians Should Benefit From Religious-Discrimination Laws
Bob Unruh tells the sob story in a Nov. 24 WorldNetDaily article: The situation didn’t seem that alarming. A Christian school needed to move to more economic, and yet bigger, facilities. As…
WND’s Islamophobic Reporter Writes an Anti-Muslim Book
A Nov. 19 WorldNetDaily article by Paul Bremmer is ostensibly about Jeff Sessions’ nomination as attorney general but — as one might expect from by WND’s PR guy — turned into a…
WND Reporter In Full Islamophobia Mode After Ohio State Incident
WorldNetDaily’s Leo Hohmann doesn’t like Muslims — he rushes to brand them as terrorists and criminals on the pages of WND. This week’s incident at Ohio State University, perpetrated by a Somali…
WND Reporter Doesn’t Understand Why We Can’t Assume Every Muslim Is A Terrorist
First, WorldNetDaily publishes a false report claiming that Arcan Cetin, suspected in the shooting deaths of five people in a Washington state mall, committed “voter fraud” because he voted while not being…
WND Endorses GOP Gov’s Foul-Mouthed Tirade (And Lies About Margaret Sanger)
Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a Republican, went on a massive foul-mouthed tirade against a Democratic state legislator he (falsely) believed called him a racist, calling him a “cocksucker.” And WorldNetDaily loved it….
A Muslim Wins An Election, And WND Freaks Out
The victory of Ilhan Omar in a Minnesota state legislative primary, in a Democratic stronghold that virtually seals her victory in November, got a sloppy, biased, fearmongering treatment from WorldNetDaily. Let the…
WND Writer Frets Muslim Terrorists Are Being Called Mentally Ill
We’ve noted the massive hissy fit WorldNetDaily exhibited when Donald Trump’s mental health was called into question. Turns out WND offers the same objection — albeit for different reasons — when the…
WND Reporter Still Obsessing Over (And Getting Facts Wrong About) Muslims in Idaho
When we last checked in on WorldNetDaily reporter Leo Hohmann, he was pretending that WND had never reported anything false about in incident in which a group of children in Idaho —…