WND has been a big fan of evangelical lerader Mike Bickle — in particular, columnist Larry Tomczak. In a 2021 column, for example, Tomczak listed him among the “men and women of…
Tag: Michael Brown
WND’s Brown Won’t Fully Denounce Anti-Semitism From A Fellow Right-Winger
Despite his longtime dishonest treatment of LGBT people — pretending to care about them despite repeatedly expressing his disdain and outright hatred of them — WorldNetDaily columnist Michael Brown does occasionally get…
WND’s Brown Cheers Christian Musician Who Hates LGBT People As Much As He Does
Michael Brown’s hatred for LGBT people surfaced yet again in his Oct. 27 column, in which he praised a Christian musician for hating them as much as he does: Although Skillet is…
WND’s Brown Outraged A Pastor Allowed Gay People At Religious Conference
LGBT–hating Michael Brown raged in his Oct. 6 WorldNetDaily column: I do my best to be sensitive in the language I use, not wanting to drive people away from a life-giving message…
NEW ARTICLE — Michael Brown’s Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 5: Pronoun Meltdown
The WorldNetDaily columnist kept up his condescension toward transgender people, and he cheered that his fellow right-wingers and even his own granddaughter hate LGBTQ people as much as he does. Read more…
WND’s Brown Wants Transgender People To Be Denied An Identity
Michael Brown’s hatred of LGBT people continued in his Sept. 29 WorldNetDaily column, in which he cheered the hate of his fellow right-wingers: A June 2023 article states that, “Although the LGBT…
WND’s Brown Finally Stops Supporting Trump When He Tried To Be Less Of An Anti-Abortion Extremist
Michael Brown began his Sept. 22 WorldNetDaily column this way: If you’ve listened regularly to my “Line of Fire” broadcast or read my articles consistently, you’ll see that I’ve said or written…
WND’s Brown Invokes Children To Justify His Anti-LGBTQ Hate
Michael Brown, it seems, can’t stop fearmongering about LGBTQ people and portraying his fellow haters as victims (even if he continues to peddle faux compassion on the issue). He ranted in his…
NEW ARTICLE — Michael Brown’s Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 4: Into 2023
The WorldNetDaily columnist is still pretending that he loves LGBTQ people even as he rages against them for failing to be heterosexual. Read more >>
NEW ARTICLE — Michael Brown’s Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 3: 2022
The WorldNetDaily columnist claims he understands “why some LGBTers call us hateful” — then went on to prove those LGBTers correct. Read more >>