Richard Blakley is an election fraud dead-ender, so it’s unsurprising that he would rush to defend Donald Trump against any alleged slight. Which explains his June 15 WorldNetDaily column, in which he…
Tag: Richard Blakley
WND Columnist Lashes Out Against Evolution
WorldNetDaily columnist Richard Blakley — a fervent believer in the Big Lie about election fraud in 2020 — has been on an anti-evolution tear of late. In his Feb. 17 column, he…
WND Columnists Remain As Obsessed As Ever With Purported 2020 Election Fraud
The fact that election fraud has never been proven in the 2020 presidential election hasn’t kept WorldNetDaily columnists from continuing to be obsessed with it. Richard Blakley used his Feb. 10 column…
Another WND Columnist Peddles Pro-Russia and Anti-Ukraine Propaganda
Add another name to the list of WorldNetDaily columnists (Scott Lively, Jim Darlington, Joseph Farah) who serve as propagandists for Vladimir Putin by serving up pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine talking points. Richard Blakley…