Looks like Tim Graham isn’t the only Media Research Center employee who’s prone to freaking out when the subject of transgenders comes up. It appears CNSNess.com editor in chief Terry Jeffrey has…
Tag: Terry Jeffrey
CNS Does Months-Old Story On Bin Laden To Avoid Covering Trump Scandals
Last week, when news was breaking that President Trump reportedly asked then-FBI director James Comey to end the agency’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the pro-Trump stenographers at CNSNews.com…
CNS Editor Uses Same Budget Argument His MRC Co-Worker Mocked Two Days Earlier
In an April 23 post, the Media Research Center’s Nicholas Fondacaro mocked a CBS program that pointed out that funding for agencies such as the National Endowment for the Arts, the National…
CNS Editor Admits Iraq War Was A Failure
How much does CNSNews.com editor in chief Terry Jeffrey not want President Trump not to get involved militarily in Iraq — thus splitting CNS from the rest of the rah-rah bombers at…
CNS Editor Discloses (One) Conflict of Interest In Pushing Malkin’s Crusade
CNSNews.com editor in chief Terry Jeffrey devoted an April 6 blog post to rehashing a crusade his website and and its Media Research Center parent have been pushing recently: CRTV’s “Michelle Malkin…
Bias (And Poor-Shaming) In Action At CNS
Huffington Post reporters wrote a pretty straightforward story about the food items that people on food stamps buy: Though people like to complain about food stamp recipients using their benefits for unhealthy…
MRC on Trump’s Vile Misogyny: Distract, Distract, Distract
Brent Bozell and his Media Research Center have no problem joining Donald Trump in the slime in trying to distract attention from Trump’s vile misogyny and playing the Clinton Equivocation card. Having…
CNS Writers Spread Birth Control Misinformation
In his July 6 column, CNSNews.com editor Terry Jeffrey decries the Supreme Court failing to take up a right-wing favorite case in which a pharmacy in Washington state claim their religious rights…
ConWeb Is Well Represented in Secretive Right-Wing Group
In May, the Southern Poverty Law Center published a list members (as of 2014) of the Council for National Policy, a secretive group of right-wing power players in politics, culture and the…
CNS’ Right-Wing Bias Illustrated, In Two Stories
CNSNews.com, the Media Research Center’s “news” operation, likes to pretend it’s not biased, what with its mission statement that it “endeavors to fairly present all legitimate sides of a story.” That’s never…