In the wake of the shootings in Virginia, there’s been a lot of talk about civility in the political sphere. Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham’s response: hold my…
Tag: Tim Graham
The MRC vs. Shakespeare
Having dispatched Reza Aslan, the revenge machine at the Media Research Center has set its sights on a bigger target: William Shakespeare. Or, more accurately, a New York City production of “Julius…
MRC Admits ‘Far-Left’ Label Unfair, Designed to Smear
You gotta love it when the Media Research Center inadvertently gives away the game. Tim Graham does just that in a June 5 post when he complains that “Liberals generally avoid any…
MRC’s Graham Distracts From Confederate Statues By Whining About A Random Lenin Statue
In the grand Media Research Center tradition of complaining about media coverage by pointing to some random, vaguely related thing, Tim Graham complains in a May 21 MRC post that Washington Post…
MRC’s Graham Still Afraid To Talk About Why There’s An Ad Boycott Against Hannity
The Media Research Center is continuing its selectively factual attack on insurance company USAA for dropping its ads from Sean Hannity’s Fox News show. First, Tim Graham complained that a USAA ad…
MRC’s Bozell & Graham Slut-Shame Monica Lewinsky to Protect Fox News
It used to be that conservatives thought that Monica Lewinsky was the at least somewhat innocent victim of the predatory sexual desires of Bill Clinton in their notorious Oval Office affair. Now…
MRC’s Totally Hypocritical Attack on Anonymous Sources
The Media Research Center’s Tim Graham and Brent Bozell denounced anonymous sourcing in their May 17 column: In the current hothouse environment, with liberal media that define Trump as the antonym of…
No Criticism of Trump’s First 100 Days Permitted At CNS
The Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell and Tim Graham huff in their April 26 column: The time has come for the media to pull out the artificial measuring stick of 100 days…
MRC’s Graham & Bozell Mislead About ACLU, ‘SNL’
The March 24 column by Tim Graham and Brent Bozell carries the provocative headline “‘Saturday Night Live’ Supports 9/11 Killers.” It begins: In the stunned aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, America healed…
MRC’s Graham: ‘You Have No Right To Tell Us What The Truth Is’
We know that the Media Research Center’s Tim Graham is a terrible media critic, but other mainstream media outlets haven’t figured that out yet. The Associated Press got a comment from Graham…