WorldNetDaily loves Gary Kreep — after all, he’s a birther lawyer who hates President Obama. Which is exacly why you will not see WND report on the fund-raising scam that is Kreep’s political action committee.
Kreep heads the Republican Majority Campaign, which claims to have a goal “to elect an enduring Republican majority that will leave to future generations a stronger and more prosperous America” — and which works out of the offices of Kreep’s United States Justice Foundation. A few weeks ago, TPM Muckraker reported that while the Republican Majority Campaign, spent nearly all of the $1.7 million it raked in from conservative donors last year, less than 2 percent of that money went toward supporting candidates or independent political spending. Much of the money went to a murky Arizona telemarketing firm that has been linked to questionable PAC activities in the past.The PAC’s main activity is soliciting donations to send faxes to Washington, an activity a campaign funding expert quoted by TPM Muckraker describes as legitimate but virtually worthless.
Kreep himself raked in about $60,000 from the group in 2009 for provinding “legal services.”
Unsurprisingly, WND has not told its readers about the scam-like nature of Kreep’s PAC. Instead, in the past month WND has reported on Kreep’s latest birther-related activities and touted an ad attacking Sen. Harry Reid that Kreep’s group issued. WND also promoted accusations by Kreep that allegations that two politicians were purportedly “offered jobs in return for dropping out of political races that challenge two U.S. Senate supporters of President Obama.”
One more thing that WND won’t mention in its role as Kreep’s PR agent: Kreep and his USJF have previously represented WND in court, most notably in the Clark Jones lawsuit that WND ultimately settled out of court to avoid losing in the courtroom. Such non-disclosure is a violation of journalistic ethics that WND all too frequently engages in.