WorldNetDaily has been ratcheting up the anti-Obama and anti-liberal derangement as of late. For instance, in his Jan. 10 WND column, he blames liberals for the rise of “true supernatural evil, that which the spiritual and religious readily acknowledge but which many Americans have difficulty reconciling with the material world and current events.” Rush even approvingly cites Fox News’ Keith Ablow, a dealer of misinformation, rabid gay-bashing and Erik Rush-level Obama derangement.
But Rush has been denying WND his primo insanity. That’s been showing up at far-right website Canada Free Press:
He suggests that the Founders would have hanged President Obama, who has become a “veritable dictator,” and that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “deserves” to be dragged behind a truck.
He argues that Obama is part of a communist government-media-law school conspiracy that is bringing about the End Times.
He blames the death of Keith Ratliff, a gun enthusiast known for his YouTube videos who was found dead last week, on Obama: “Although I have no proof, my inclination is to suspect that the Obama administration or one of its surrogates is responsible for Ratliff’s death, the first of many such executions that will take place in order to silence individuals whom the government deems a threat to their oligarchical collectivist agenda.”
That is some serious weapons-grade crazy. Why won’t he let his readers at WND revel in it?
Or, perhaps, it could be that WND, in a rare show of restraint, has decided that even this is too crazy for them.
One wonders how Rush keeps his job as vice president of administration and strategic alliances with the charity group Pink Pagoda Girls. Does his boss, Jim Garrow, approve of Rush’s increasingly deranged rants? Apparently so — they have written columns together at Canada Free Press, one of which calls Obama “America’s Girly Man President.”
That’s too bad, because Pink Pagoda Girls has an arguably noble purpose of “rescuing baby girls from gendercide in China.” Such extremism by its principals runs counter to any good the group might be doing.