We couldn’t resist going to Larry Klayman’s coup kickoff in Washington’s Lafayette Square earlier today. Approximately 100 people showed up — including speakers Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, Roger Aronoff of Accuracy in Media, and Bradlee Dean (who attended but did not speak) — and they didn’t say anything you haven’t already heard from them before or read at WND.
We attempted to tell some truth at the event, in the form of a flyer about Klayman that we posted around the periphery of the crowd. (Print off a copy for yourself right here.) Everything in the flyer is factual and protected under the First Amendment.
Klayman didn’t see it that way, however. I noticed that my flyers kept being removed as soon as they were posted. In trying to repost them, I was confronted by someone who identified herself as Klayman’s chief of staff. (Wait — Klayman has a staff, let alone enough of one to require a “chief”? Wasn’t it just two short years ago that Klayman was claiming that his “financial situation continues to be dire” and that “I cannot afford bankruptcy counsel, having been asked for a $5000.00 retainer which I cannot afford”?)
The woman asked us to refrain from posting the flyer, suggesting unspecified consequences if I continued to do so. I pointed out that the flyer contained the truth, to which she responded by bandying about words like “libel” and “slander.” I continued to disagree with her — the truth cannot be libel, after all — to which she responded by asking if I was a lawyer. I said that I was not, but that I used to work in journalism, which gave me a very good grounding in libel law, and that my flyer, because it was truth, was not libel.
She then went over to chat with Klayman, who then came over to talk to me. He asked me my name, which I told him. He then asked me to spell it, to which I responded that it was on this website. He then said something to the effect that he would sue me for distributing the flyer.
The last time that Klayman tried to sue someone for telling the truth about his past, it was the Minneapolis alternative weekly CityPages. In his lawsuit against them (which was just dismissed for Klayman’s refusal to follow court procedure), Klayman provided no substantive evidence that he was ever cleared of an Ohio magistrate’s finding that — as stated on my flyer — Klayman inappropriately touched his children and invoked his Fifth Amendment rights when asked if he had. Klayman simply claims that he “has never been found by any legal entity or agency to have sexually abused his children,” despite the fact that this is not what he was accused of doing.
Meanwhile, Klayman feels he can libel President Obama with impunity, calling him a “mullah-in-chief” and worse.
The truth is on our side — it is not on Klayman’s. Any attempt to sue us should be considered a nuisance lawsuit by a vexatious litigant. He will fail in court, as he so frequently does.
By the way, all the speakers at the event — which also included former Rep. Bob Barr and retired Adm. James Lyons, a member of AIM’s kangaroo court posing as a “citizen’s commission on Benghazi” — had gushing praise for Klayman. They are apparently unaware of who exactly they’ve crawled into bed with.

Top: Larry Klayman (left) and Joseph Farah. Below: Klayman (left) and Roger Aronoff of Accuracy in Media.