WorldNetDaily’s massive fail in attacking the wrong Loretta Lynch is even worse than we thought.
While WND has deleted Aaron Klein’s (and Brenda J. Elliott’s) attack piece confusing Loretta Lynch the California lawyer and Clinton supporter with Loretta Lynch the New York prosecutor and attorney general nominee, a Nov. 8 WND article quoting from a Breitbart article making the same erroneous attack is still posted at WND’s website. Here’s a screenshot (for when WND reads this and disappears that article from its website):

The article links to the now-deleted Breitbart article, which was finally pulled (like WND’s, without explanation or retraction) after first posting a ridiculous non-correction correction at the end of it that basically stated the article that came before is completely false yet left that article intact.
It seems Elliott, who was credited with “research” on Klein’s article, really didn’t do any research beyond copying Breitbart’s erroneous piece. That’s just another reason why nobody believes WND.