What was the big Donald Trump news last week? The departure of his longtime campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and the fact that his presidential campaign raised a paltry $3.1 million in May — when he became the presumptive Republican presidential nominee — had just $1.3 million in the bank and paid several companies linked to Trump for campaign expenses. This, in part, forced Trump to forgive $50 million in loans he made to his own campaign.
Did you read about any of that on the front page of CNSNews.com? Not really. CNS put Lewandowski on the front page only within the context of an Associated Press article about him being hired by CNN as a commentator.
So what other direct Trump stories were deemed newsworthy enough at CNS to make it to the front page?
- An AP article on the arrest of a man who claimed he wanted to kill Trump.
- A stenography article by Susan Jones on Trump’s anti-Hillary speech.
- An AP article on late-night host Seth Meyers’ focus on Trump.
- Another stenography article by Jones on Trump’s comments about “the United Kingdom’s historic vote to leave the European Union,” which somehow neglected to mention that Trump mostly talked about his golf course and other real estate interests in Scotland.
- An AP article on the engagement ring Trump gave his second wife Marla Maples going up for auction.
- Another AP article on Trump walking back his stance on guns in nightclubs, “a stance even the NRA says is untenable.”
- And yet another stenography article by Jones on Trump apologizing to the real Pocohontas over his repeated mocking references of Sen. Elizabeth Warren as Pocohontas.
That’s actually more stories that the previous week, but it ignored the big ones.
CNS has a pretty bad track record so far on putting Trump on its front page. You’d think they’d want to put him there more, since he’s the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and all. What are they ashamed of?