The Media Research Center’s Curtis Houck goes a little too far into hyperbolic-rhetoric territory in his Sept. 13 post:
CNN International host Christiane Amanpour was at it again on Monday night in flashing her far-left ideology as she used her eponymous show to angrily maim critics of Hillary Clinton and (a select few) in the media as sexist for raising questions about her health and hiding the pneumonia diagnosis and unwilling to let “a girl have a sick day or two.”
Amanpour is “angrily maiming” her critics? We know Houck is going for hyperbole here, but sheesh.
Houck goes on to write this:
Needless to say, it’s clear Amanpour left the idea of objective analysis in the dust and ignored the initial dismissals of Clinton’s 9/11 episode as just part of their broader “conspiracy theory” narrative being raised not by sensible journalists and voters but the obscene grocery store tabloid The National Enquirer.
Houck seems to have forgotten that his employer had no problem with “the obscene grocery store tabloid The National Enquirer” when it was going after Democrats like John Edwards. He also seems to be unaware that the Enquirer has been promoting Trump throughout the entire presidential campaign by pushing sleazy attacks on his opponents — including, yes, speculation about Hillary’s health — and that Enquirer CEO David Pecker is a close friend of Trump.