WorldNetDaily once thought going birther was a winner, and look at it now. WND has now decided that obsessing over Hillary Clinton’s purported health problems is a winner, attacking it in the same it went birther on Obama — with lots of self-proclaimed “experts” who are nowhere near close enough to the situation to even examine Hillary, let alone offer an informed judgment.
A Sept. 15 WND article by Bob Unruh insisted that “a significant number of top physicians expressing concern that the American people aren’t being told the truth about Hillary Clinton’s health,” but as evidence he served up only two non-prominent ones, Jane Orient and Lee Hieb, both of whom are right-wingers linked to the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons who put partisan politics and scaremonger before responsible health advice.
Hieb declared: “From a distance, without formal evaluation there are still three things I know for sure regarding Hillary Clinton’s medical condition: 1) She has a neurological disorder; 2) pneumonia did not cause the episode on 9/11; and 3) she and her staff have been lying to cover up the truth of her condition for months if not years.” Well, no, Hieb does not know these things because she has never examined Hillary. (And neither has Orient.)
On Sept. 19, chief health-monger Jerome Corsi does what he does:
Two physicians agree Hillary Clinton is suffering a serious neurological disease that should disqualify her from being president.
Theodore “Ted” Noel, a retired anesthesiologist in Orlando, Florida, with 36 years experience and a background in critical care medicine explained to WND he was so convinced Clinton has Parkinson’s disease that he has now produced several videos arguing that point.
Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., a dual board-certified osteopathic neurologist and a leading headache specialist who directs the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center in Sarasota, Florida, told WND that while he agrees she has a neurological disease, he believes it is not Parkinson’s.
Whatever the precise diagnosis, the physicians separately have come to the conclusion she has a serious neurological disease that should medically disqualify her from being president.
We’ve previously noted that Noel’s training is as an anesthesiologist and really has no apparent formal training in diagnosing or treating the neurological disease he claims Hillary has, but Corsi gave him space to justify his diagnosis that when Hillary said “What difference does it make?” during her Benghazi testimony, she was suffering from “Parkinson’s rage”: “I’m not a neurologist treating Parkinson’s disease patients, but I am an anesthesiologist, and I have to know how to handle administering anesthesia to a patient who has Parkinson’s disease.” He added that his old armchair-diagnosis videos were “using the declarative mood, where I should have been using the subjunctive mood.” Kassicieh, for his part, insists from afar that Hillary has post-concussion syndrome.
Corsi returned Sept. 25 with an article citing yet another armchair diagnoser, Paulette Metoyer, who insists that according to her “expert analysis” that Hillary is suffering from epilepsy, including petit mal and grand mal seizures. Corsi didn’t mention that she’s been published by the far-right American Thinker, which raises serious credibility issues.
Again: None of these people Corsi and Unruh are presenting as “experts” have never examined Hillary and many of them appear to be motivated more by trying to destroy Hillary’s campaign than being of any genuine help to her. You know, a lot like the birther movement.