Donald Trump has been pushing the claim that he would have won the popular vote were it not for “the millions of people who voted illegally,” and the Trump-fluffers at WorldNetDaily are more than happy to help him push it — even though WND, like Trump, has no actual evidence to back it up.
Not that Bob Unruh, in his Nov. 29 WND article, doesn’t make a valiant effort to portray right-wing speculation as actual evidence. The first person he cites is Catherine Engelbrecht of of the right-wing True the Vote, who had nothing but “promised reliable estimates of the number of illegal-alien voters are on the way.”
Next was Hans von Spakovsky of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, who according to Unruh said that “indications of the impact” are there despite “no reliable figures yet on the number of illegal-alien voters.”
He was followed by William Gheen of the right-wing Americans for Legal Immigration PAC — which Unruh benignly and irrelevantly describes only as “non-profit” — who claimed that Trump “is absolutely correct that large volumes of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 presidential race predominantly for Democrat candidates and illegal immigrants were brought across the borders to reinforce Obama and Hillary Clinton in these elections.” No evidence was provided to back up that claim.
Unruh also quoted Gheen as saying, “Obama himself admitted on video to Spanish language audiences comprised of illegal immigrants that illegals would face no scrutiny or hindrances registering to vote and voting, both of which are felonies and deportable offenses.” In fact, that’s not what he said at all; in comments that right-wingers selectively quoted (including WND), he said that “what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard” and that those citizens voting helps speak for those “who can’t legally vote.”
Unruh then claimed that “ALIPAC cited sources, including the Pew Trust.” He acknowledged that the author of the Pew study being cited “said he discovered no voter fraud,” he insisted that thte study “specifically said its research ‘underscores the need for registration systems that better maintain voter records, save money and streamline process.'” Which, however, is not the same thing as claiming that millions of people voted illegally, which is what Gheen and ALIPAC are claiming.
Unruh further asserted that “ALIPAC released dozens of pages of documentation showing 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud, more than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, more than 1.8 million dead voters are still on rolls and more than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.” Which, again, does not back up Gheen’s claim that millions of people voted illegally in 2016, especially since the link Unruh provided is of an ALIPAC comment thread that dates back to 2011, which does not necessarily qualify as “documentation.”
Then it’s back to even more non-documentation. Unruh writes: “Steve Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies said that if one looks at the likely 21 million non-citizens in the United States, based on the 2015 American Community Survey, there is the high probability that a good number voted. After all, a 2 million or so vote advantage for Clinton could consist of votes from only about 10 percent of that population. But he said there’s no evidence available yet that would document an election result based on those votes.”
Unruh may not have any actual evidence to back his (and Trump’s) claims of illegal voting, but that doesn’t mean he can’t stick an irrelevant photo of seemingly illegal immigrants as the main image for his article (shown at top). In WND tradition, the image is uncredited, which means it was stolen — in this case, from the Los Angeles Times. Unruh and WND are suggesting though the use of this image that hordes of swarthy masses are just lining up to vote illegally; in fact, the Times caption states: “Lugging jugs of water, migrants thread their way along footpaths leading to the U.S. border.”
In other words, these migrants have other things on their mind — like basic survival — and voting is way down their priority list.