Jerome Corsi made the announcement on Twitter: He has left WorldNetDaily to join Alex Jones’ Inforwars operation, where he hopes to be its White House correspondent, if he can get the credentials. (Apparently, despite what claimed were “12 very good years” at WND, they weren’t good enough for Corsi to give Joseph Farah and Co. proper notice of his leaving; he said in a later tweet that “I resigned from WND on Monday & began working w INFOWARS today TUES Jan. 31.”)
This new job seems like a perfect fit for Corsi: Having destroyed his credibility through his biased and inaccurate work for WND, Infowars — the even less credible and even more conspiracy-obsessed than WND — is probably only other place that will have him and keep up the charade that he’s a real reporter.
WND hired Corsi following the publication of his 2004 hit job on John Kerry, “Unfit for Command” — before which he was known only for vulgar posts on right-wing message boards — a book that was unreliable but served its purpose by undermining Kerry’s presidential bid.
We’ve summarized Corsi’s WND career here, which includes the following:
- In 2008 he published falsehood-ridden smear book “The Obama Nation,” which he promoted on white nationalist radio shows.
- He also became a birther and flew to Kenya for some purported investigative reporting, which resulted only with a run-in with authorities there and a handful of documents designed to smear Obama but were obviously fake.
- He and Farah fed Donald Trump birther stories behind the scenes. When President Obama released his long-form birth certificate in 2011, it knocked the legs out from under Corsi’s “Where’s the Birth Certificate,” which came out the following month.
- Corsi apparently tried to take revenge on Obama for this by pushing sleazy tales about him and his mother.
- Corsi also helped Sheriff Joe Arpaio sleaze into existence the biased and incompetent “Cold Case Posse” to investigate Obama’s birth certificdate.
- Corsi then pushed a claim — that a ring Obama wears has Arabic writing on it — that was so ridiculous that even Corsi’s fellow birthers felt compelled to discredit it.
- Corsi followed his 2012 failure by publishing a book pushing another wild conspiracy theory: that Adolf Hitler didn’t commit suicide at the end of World War II but, rather, fled to South America.
- By the time the 2016 election rolled around, Corsi was such an irrelevant afterthought that his hit job book on Hillary Clinton tanked.
- Corsi also teamed up with fellow sleaze merchant Roger Stone to throw all the mud they could find at Clinton.
Corsi’s atrocious journalistic record is one key reason WND was forced to beg for money from readers last year in order to stay afloat — such is the level of Corsi’s (and WND’s) credibility.
And now, Corsi has found a new job at an outlet with even less credibility than WND. Well played, Jerry.