In pointing out WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah’s ludicrous assertion that there’s no actual news in the connections between Donald Trump and Russia, we stuck our well-worn Farah “LIAR” graphic on it — and not just because Farah repeated the lie that Obama spent taxpayer money to influence an Israeli election.
We also noted how WND has been spinning so hard to pretend there is nothing to see here regarding those Trump-Russia links, and how Farah is lying about how that’s not really a story. WND’s pro-Trump, Russia-denying agenda has been consistent through the news of the past week or so.
First up is Garth Kant (pictured), who in a March 27 article baselessly asserts as fact that there was “possible spying by the Obama administration on then-President-elect Trump’s transition team,” then insists that the real story is that alleged spying, not the fact that numerous Trump transition officials had contacts with Russia. In to deflect from Republican Rep. Devin Nunes’ partisan handling of the House of Representatives investigation of the Russian contacts, Kant forwarded the pro-Trump spin that the actual scandal is that the FBI is engaging in a “possible stonewall” of Nunes’ requests for information and whined that “the media antennae were all aflutter with the whiff of scandal” over Nunes’ unorthodox behavior.
Yes, somehow this is all the media’s fault for trying to hold Nunes accountable, according to Kant.
Kant struck again in an April 3 article attacking former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, proclaiming that “Mike Cernovich broke the story in an article in Medium on Sunday that said, ‘The White House Counsel’s office identified Rice as the person responsible for the unmasking after examining Rice’s document log requests,'” going on to baselessly suggest that Rice leaked those names. Kant didn’t mention that Cernovich is an alt-right troll who makes racially charged statements and who promoted the Pizzagate scandal — which was so bogus that even the conspiracy-lovers at WND largely stayed away from it, though not completely — and, thus, really can’t be trusted.
An April 4 WND article by Alicia Powe actually embeds a Cernovich tweet promoting his dubious story — then, incredibly, attacked media outlets like CNN who pointed out the emptiness of the claim that Rice leaked the names of Trump associates who had contacts with Russian operatives as “fake-news giants.” Powe went on to huff:
Following months of uninterrupted media coverage of unproven allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian agents to undermine Hillary Clinton’s candidacy – and the media’s reluctance to inform the public on whether Obama White House gathered and leaked surveillance information on Trump or his aides – America’s trust in the media is rapidly diminishing.
Most Americans (60 percent) believe traditional media outlets publish fake news reports, and Republicans are more likely to believe that fake news is being pushed to advance an agenda, according to a recent Monmouth University poll.
Someone forgot to tell Powe that she’s employed by a fake-news giant.