WorldNetDaily’s sick obsession with portraying the death of Seth Rich as a Clinton/Russia/whomever conspiracy is yielding diminishing returns as the conspiracy theories get discredited, but WND continues to remain oblivious to the facts.
WND editor Joseph Farah endorsed the conspiracy-mongering in his May 22 column raging at the Washington Post for pointing out that conspiracy theories about Rich’s death are no different than right-wing conspiracy theories about the death of Vince Foster — which, of course, Farah and WND have been promulgating for decades. after huffing that the Post takedown was “textbook crap,” adding: “Apparently, the gullible reporters and editors at the Post believe politicians are incapable of evil deeds – especially Democratic politicians. And anyone who pokes around at stories about such the murder of Seth Rich is a ‘conspiracy theorist.'”
Funny how a guy who insists that “politicians are incapable of evil deeds” has no interest in pursuing the story of Trump campaign contacts with Russian officials, which most people might consider a liiiiiittle bit evil.
Farah laughably calls himself an “independent journalist” — not true; he has always been motivated by his right-wing agenda, which is anything but independent — and scorned criticism of WND and other right-wing outlets that “reported on a private investigator’s revelations about what he found when he was hired to look into the murder after a year of zero progress by the Keystone Kops of Washington, D.C.” Farah didn’t mention that said “private investigator,” Rod Wheeler, retracted most of his claims.
Farah also complained about the lack of “standards” in the “so-called ‘mainstream media,'” but didn’t mention his own lack of standards in continuing to cling to discredited claims.
Speaking of lack of standards, WND once again called on discredited Pizzagate conspiracy-monger Liz Crokin, who paired up with WND writer Alicia Powe to claim that “Former Democratic National Committee interim chairwoman Donna Brazile is the high-ranking DNC representative who allegedly called police and the family of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich and demanded to know why a private investigator was ‘snooping’ into Rich’s death.” Their source? The discredited investigator himself, Rod Wheeler. Needless to say, Crokin and Powe don’t tell their readers that Wheeler has retracted most of his earlier claims about Rich.
Crokin and Powe also tout a claim that Rich was a WikiLeaks source made by Kim Dotcom, whom they describe as “the hacker described as an ‘entrepreneur, innovator, gamer, artist, Internet freedom fighter & father of 5.'” They don’t mention that Dotcom is a fugitive from justice, facing racketeering and money-laundering charges for operating and hiding in New Zealand to avoid extradition to the U.S.
On May 23, Powe followed up by speculating that the Rich family’s spokesman, Brad Bauman, is being paid by the Democratic National Committee, where Rich was working when he was killed in an apparent botched robbery.It’s an absurd fixation, since Powe and WND have refused to tell its readers who’s paying discredited investigator Wheeler.
Powe hinted at it by mentioning Ed Butowsky as “a Texas businessman who hired a private eye to look into Rich’s murder” — but refused to actually state that Wheeler was the “private eye” Butowsky hired.
WND also posted an anonymously written article with one of its usual tropes: a “big list” of conspiracy mongers who also question the circumstances of Rich’s death. Strangely, in the midst of this article is where WND decides to dump all the negative stuff it’s been avoiding all this time, including the “bombshell retraction” by Fox News of its Rich story and an admission for the first time that Wheeler has backtracked on his original claims about Rich.
But because this is an info dump rather than actual reporter, WND can’t be bothered to separate fact from fiction — there’s no explanation of what WND is continuing to cling to and what information, if any, it considers discredited because Wheeler backtracked.
Of course, WND has never cared about the truth. Fact and fiction carries no real distinction to Joseph Farah and Co. It didn’t when WND was pushing birther conspiracies, and it certainly doesn’t in the rapidly collapsing Seth Rich story.