Newsmax editor Christopher Ruddy is a friend of Donald Trump’s, and he’s been riding Trump’s coattails to build up his own prominence — heck, he’s even written a pro-Trump op-ed for the New York Times.
His own website, however, is where Ruddy spins the hardest for his friend. In his June 23 column, for instance, Ruddy tosses out a list of distracting pro-Trump bullet points such as “To repeat, no one has provided any evidence the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton” and “Trump won the election fairly and squarely” and “Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, which was his prerogative.” Ruddy ironically added that “The president is right to be worried about an investigation that was created with no evidence of a crime” — apparently forgetting that making accusations against President Clinton without evidence of a crime is how he built Newsmax 20 years ago.
Of course, that first bullet point became inoperative when is was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian operative who promised evidence to defeat Hillary Clinton. Thus, we have Ruddy’s July 10 column, in which he insists the operative the campaign met with was just an “eccentric Russian lawyer” and that “There is nothing illegal or improper in a campaign talking to a foreign national about their election opponent.” Ruddy then added: “I know Donald Trump. He would never collude with the Russians.”
And Ruddy was off and spinning again, blaming Paul Ryan for serving up a “damaged bill of goods” in the form of the first House health care reform bill and that “Trump has been trying to fix Ryan’s mess.” The sycophancy then starts to turn a little embarassing:
There are dozens and dozens of examples where the President set the vision, picked smart and savvy people, and saw the mission accomplished.
In August, Newsmax Magazine will have a blockbuster cover story about the President’s efforts to radically clean up the Department of Veterans Affairs, keeping a campaign promise to do so.
[…]In business Trump set a strong vision for his companies and his brand. He picked strong people to implement the vision. He constantly checked on results. If things didn’t work out, he made adjustments and sometimes fired people.
Using the same approach as president, Trump has done an amazing job in a short time.
The administration has fallen short in three areas: communications, personnel staffing and allowing Congress, particularly Speaker Ryan, to set the legislative agenda. All three areas are interconnected and will undermine the President’s future plans if not corrected.
But the President has shown an adroitness in addressing problems and overcoming obstacles.
It’s also important to remember almost all new administrations have issues. Remember the first two years of the Clinton administration?
So much you hear about the President is media spin and myth, such as claims the president doesn’t listen or he can’t take criticism.
In my experience, he does and he can, then he acts and big things happen.
Written like a man who knows which side his bread is buttered on these days.