The Media Research Center’s Scott Whitlock writes in a July 14 post:
Providing some unintentional comedy, CNN anchor Poppy Harlow on Thursday lectured a conservative Congressman, telling him, “I’m not the left. I’m a journalist.” Collectively, many Americans must have thought: “What’s the difference?” The haughty defense came after Harlow demanded of Representative Jim Jordan: “Are you comfortable with that huge reduction in Medicaid funding?”
Speaking of unintentional comedy, Whitlock has just revealed just how terrible a media researcher he is.
If Whitlock can’t divine any difference at all between a journalist and someone on “the left,” why should anyone take him seriously? Is he that brainwashed by the MRC’s right-wing anti-media ideology that he cannot tell the difference, or has it made him so lazy that he refuses, content to mindlessly repeat any criticism of a conservative, no matter how factual, as coming from “the left”?
Does that mean that right-wing journalists are not, in fact, journalists because of their partisan bent? Whitlock doesn’t address that paradox.
Being a hack may be the excuse, because he follows up the statement about Medicaid funding by asserting, “Of course, the GOP health care bill does NOT cut Medicaid.” As we’ve pointed out, that’s simply fake news — if Medicaid is not being funded to keep the current level of service, which is what President Trump’s proposed budget does, it is in fact a cut.