The ConWeb really, really hates author Dan Brown.
The Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell and Tim Graham started their Oct. 6 column with a personal shot at him:
Dan Brown, the author of “The DaVinci Code,” is back with another blockbuster anti-religion novel, and CBS “Sunday Morning” rolled out the red carpet on Oct. 1 to honor him and his massive commercial success.
The segment began with what he called his “fortress of gratitude” — his house loaded floor to ceiling, over several stories, with bookshelves … stuffed with copies of Dan Brown’s own books.
So we know who Dan Brown worships.
So Bozell and Graham have never engaged in self-promotion in a media appearance before? They then rant further:
For all the folderol about “fake news,” the media never found it necessary to challenge the veracity of Brown’s scurrilous charges he posits as facts in his novels — that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child; that the Catholic Church took the human Jesus and cynically invented him as a god at the Council of Nicaea in 325; or those nonexistent “monks” in the Catholic group Opus Dei. They spent hours on ABC, CBS and NBC elaborating on Brown’s “intriguing” theories, when what they were enthusiastically broadcasting was an atheist version of birtherism.
Brown’s new novel, “Origin,” once again features his hero, Harvard professor Robert Langdon, who tries to learn what discovery computer genius Edmond Kirsch was prepared to reveal that (as The Washington Post explains) “boldly contradicted almost every established religious doctrine, and it did so in a distressingly simple and persuasive manner.”
So Bozell and Graham are mad that Brown presents fictional things as fact in a book of fiction? Isn’t that the very definition of fiction?
Meanwhile, WorldNetDaily was taking even more shots at Brown. Joseph Farah huffed in his Oct. 13 column:
How do I say this politely?
Dan Brown is a fool.
The author of “The Da Vinci Code” may have sold 200 million copies of a novel based on enormous lies about the history of Christianity, but that does not mean he has wisdom.
Farah goes on to complain that Brown “did his best to make news about his latest release, “Origin,” by explaining why the Creator of the universe will not survive science, which, of course, is another way of saying God never existed except in the imaginations of man.”
The same day, WND gave a platform to various and sundry fellow travelers to trash Brown. Birther pastor Carl Gallups, for instance, declared that “Dan Brown has been used as a tool of Satan for many years” because “A big chunk of his life has been dedicated to the task of minimizing and marginalizing the pure biblical message of salvation in Jesus Christ.” WND managing editor David Kupelian groused that “Brown has sold 200 million books, which I guess says something about the low state of ‘consciousness’ in today’s world” — which sounds a little like professional jealously on Kupelian’s part, since his books haven’t sold 1/200th of the number Brown’s have.
WND also brings on right-wing radio host Jan Markell to assert, ““Brown mocks the God who ‘sits up there and judges us.’” … Someday Brown will be judged by that very same God and he won’t be laughing – and he won’t be mocking. He will have to say he was wrong, but it will be too late. The fires of hell will not be pleasant.”
None of these writers, by the way, offer any proof whatsoever that they have read Brown’s new book, let alone “The DaVinci Code.” Which means they’re just bashing an undeniably popular author without knowing what they’re talking about.