If WorldNetDaily is trying to clean up its act in order to show the world it deserves to live, it isn’t doing a very good job of it. It has continued to publish fake news, and it’s still birther.
Another sign of this: giving Larry Klayman a new promotional push. As if publishing his column for years wasn’t enough.
We’ve documented how Klayman is a terrible lawyer and sue-happy defamer who stumbles into big rulings more out of sheer luck than any prosecutorial skill.Now, for some reason, WND has decided to promote his latest Clinton-hating crusade, as described in a Jan. 5 article by Bob Unruh:
He sued the National Security Agency and won in district court.
He sued to get Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
He sued journalists.
He sued the Taliban and al-Qaida.
He sued Cuba and won a multimillion-dollar judgment.
He sued to get then-President Obama deported.
Now, Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, has obtained on a petition the signatures of almost 11,000 people who want him named special counsel to investigate the Clintons, Uranium One and Fusion GPS.
He has filed a separate legal action that seeks to remove Robert Mueller as special counsel.
It’s never explained how Klayman obtained these signatures or if he has instituted any sort of verification system showing that the signatories are who they say they are, if they’ve signed the petition more than once, or even if they’re American citizens. He does provide an alleged list of signatories, though.
The end of Unruh’s article rather hilariously links to WND’s own petition demanding a special prosecutor to investigate Hi.llary Clinton. Like Klayman’s petition, there’s no transparency and no apparent verification mechanism.
Then, in a Jan. 15 article, Unruh strokes Klayman’s ego some more:
A veteran Washington courtroom fighter, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, confirmed Monday he has filed a lawsuit that puts special counsel Robert Mueller’s communications with the media in a bull’s-eye.
“Robert Mueller and his staff, who are alleged to have illegally leaked grand jury information to damage the president, his family and associates, have thus far been untouched by the inept and inert Justice Department, run by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who appears afraid that he himself may be indicted by Mueller for alleged Russian collusion and obstruction of justice,” Klayman said.
“Freedom Watch is not afraid and is doing the job of my former alma mater, which has regrettably become the ‘Department of Prosecutorial Misconduct and Injustice.’ I will not rest until Robert Mueller and his partisan leftist prosecutors are removed and replaced with an honest and ethical special counsel and staff, who will not abuse their authority for political purposes, but instead expeditiously conduct and conclude this Russian collusion investigation on the merits before more harm is done to the nation.”
His, filed in federal court in Washington, is against Mueller, the DOJ and the FBI.
Since we know that WND accepts money to publish “news” articles, one has to wonder what financial deal has been worked out for WND to publish such shameless promotion of Klayman.
(Pictured: Larry Klayman and WND editor Joseph Farah at 2013 anti-Obama rally in Washington D.C. No, Klayman never followed up on his threat to sue me for distributing a factual flyer about his background at the rally.)