WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah’s love for President Trump knows no bounds, as demonstrated by his thank-Trump e-card campaign. Farah’s sycophancy reached new levels of embarrassing in his Jan. 31 column on Trump’s State of the Union address:
OK, was that a great speech or what?
For me, I can only say it was the greatest State of the Union delivered in my lifetime – and I LOVED every one Ronald Reagan gave.
But this was remarkable, a triumph, it brought tears to my eyes, it sent chills down my spine.
Donald Trump has drawn a line in the sand: If you don’t think it’s not too much to expect your fellow Americans to stand silently and respectfully when the national anthem is played, you’re on the right side. And we witnessed nearly half the House chamber in the Capitol on the wrong side.
He gave the speech, but they showed their true colors.
They despise America and everything it stands for.
So much for Trump reaching across the aisle. He showed them up, without even trying.
And that’s what you have to love about this guy. He’s plain spoken and sincere. He’s a true believer in this country.
[…]I couldn’t write this column last night because my hands were shaking, my eyes were teary and I was too busy tweeting!
This, of course, turned into a more emphatic than usual appeal for readers to partake of WND’s thank-Trump campaign:
So, let me ask you this: Are you now ready to THANK HIM for what he has achieved in his first year and for that triumphant speech?
Then make your way over to and DO IT! Do it now!
You will hate yourself a few years from now if you don’t.
I should know. I’ve been around a long time. I started on the wrong side. Ronald Reagan showed me the way back home. And Trump is doing it again – for a new generation.
I tell you this sincerely. I believe he could be responsible for a political, cultural and social realignment of unprecedented proportions. But we need to get behind him – all of us.
Put aside your minor differences. He’s a phenomenon. He’s a rock star. He’s a natural. This kind of person comes along once in a lifetime at the most, if you’re lucky.
Encourage him. Thank him – at
[…]I’m not sure there is anything more important for you to do today than to spread the word about the campaign. If you can think of something, I’m all ears. If you have a better idea, let me know. In the meantime, this is what we have. So, if you’re as excited as I am, get on board.
Go to and express your gratitude.
Send your friends there – everyone you know.
Make it go so viral that the Democrats start a new conspiracy tale about Russian collusion being behind the campaign.
Doesn’t Farah have anything better to do — like, you know, revenue-generating activities that will help pull WND out of its current downward spiral toward nonexistence?