Remember Joel Gilbert? He’s the guy who makes so-called documentaries that get mysteriously reclassifed as “mockumentaries” years after the fact. He’s best known — and beloved by WorldNetDaily — for an anti-Obama film whose central claim that Obama’s mother posed nude for Frank Marshall Davis was discredited so quickly that Gilbert re-edited promotional videos to play dodwn the claim.
Well, Gilbert is back with a new scam, er, film — and, of course, WND has him. Jack Cashill wrote in his Sept. 16 WND column:
On Monday. Sept. 16, I attended the preview of Joel Gilbert’s new documentary, “The Trayvon Hoax,” at the National Press Club in Washington.
Having written a book on the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin – “If I Had a Son” – I have been following Gilbert’s progress with interest. In fact, I introduced Gilbert to George Zimmerman, the man who shot Martin.
Gilbert’s presentation should have been news. In the course of his research, he uncovered the most spectacular legal fraud in memory. Not surprisingly, however, the mainstream media chose not to show up for the press conference and screening.
If the media were embarrassed, they had every right to be. An independent filmmaker, Gilbert did the work the major media should have done six years ago. Instead, they drowned the case in relentlessly fake news.
Actually, nobody’s embarrassed to have skipped Gilbert’s presser — after all, his reputation as a charlatan precedes him. Cashill didn’t mention any of that, of course; that would undermine the idea that Gilbert is someone to be trusted. Instead, he insisted that “Independent journalists like Gilbert are showing us that we of the American samizdat have the power to un-tell the lethal story the media told. … I use samizdat as shorthand for the alternative conservative media of blogs, public forums, online publications, independent books and films and talk radio.”
Anyway, the “Trayvon hoax” the film purportedly depicts involves the identity of the person Martin was texting at the time of his fatal encounter with Zimmerman. As we’ve noted, Cashill is highly biased, portraying Martin as a thug and Zimmerman as a hero, even as Zimmerman continued to engage in criminal behavior.
Cashill has been acting as Gilbert’s PR agent for his film. In his Sept. 25 column, Cashill ranted that this was somehow “the most spectacular legal fraud in memory,” adding: “In a just world, Florida media would be swarming all over this story. They are not. I have emailed a short version of the above story to a half-dozen editors and reporters at Florida’s leading newspapers and have heard nothing in response.” Again, Cashill seems to forget that Gilbert’s sleazy reputation precedes him, of which we assume Cashill did not inform those reporters and editors.
Cashill’s Oct. 2 column tried hard to come up with a new angle, complaining that Hillary Clinton endorsed Martin’s mother in her bid for a county commissioner seat in Florida. He laughably claimed that Gilbert invested “months of painstaking research” into his film, whining that “the major media absolutely refuse to know what Joel Gilbert has proved” and suggesting that media who uncritically promote Gilbert’s work could win a Pulitzer Prize.
WND even contributed a “news” article to the promotional effort on Sept. 24, which appears to be little more than a rewritten press release. Neither this “news” article or any of Cashill’s columns mentions the history that makes Gilbert singularly untrustworthy.
If WND keeps presenting charlatans like Gilbert as credible, it probably doesn’t deserve to live.