On July 7, the MRC — and its “news” division, CNSNews.com — posted what is for all intents and purposes a pro-Trump election video, titled “We Hold These Truths: Conservative Leaders Answer The Mob.” The CNS version declared: “A group of conservative leaders worked with the Media Research Center to record a message defending the greatness of America and its founders and condemning the protesters and mobs that have attacked our nation’s founding principles and commitment to individual liberty.” The version posted at NewsBusters railed: “Conservative leaders from all over the country are fighting back and answering the violence and chaos of the angry, lawless mob marching in America’s streets.”
It begins with various conservative reciting the opening of the Declaration of Independence; Mark Levin got the “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” line, so he got in a stealth promotion for his Fox News show, “Life, Liberty and Levin.”It even threw in Charlie Daniels in what was apparently his final media appearance before his death, for no other apparent reason than that he was an MRC favorite.
Oh, the MRC will never admit it’s a pro-Trump video, since it’s careful not to mention the word “Trump” anywhere in it — after all, explicit electioneering would violate the MRC’s nonprofit status. But after the recitation ended and the philosophical waxing was over with, it was on to reinforcing the Trump agenda, with stirring orchestral music swelling in the background.
Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton huffed regarding statue-toppling: “Those who deface or destroy these statues or other remembrances of these men are criminals.” David Bozell, son of MRC chief Brent Bozell and head of activist group For America, chimed in: “They’re also an ignorant mob, period. Full stop.” Neither Fitton nor Bozell specifically excluded Confederate statues from their defense.
Republican Rep. Mike Lee defended the police as “necessary to protect the vulnerable and to keep dangerous communities from descending into chaos.” Right-wing activist Jenny Beth Martin added: “Are there bad players? Of course. But don’t lie about the police. Don’t smear them as racist. Don’t dismiss that they have to put their lives on the line every single day with lowlifes who harass and threaten them and, yes, kill them.”
MRC senior fellow Allen West ranted: “Kneeling for the national anthem disrespects the flag and all those who served them.”
Former National Rifle Association spokesperson Dana Loesch — who’s best known for putting Klan hoods on “Thomas the Tank Engine” characters to declare her opposition to diversity in children’s television — huffed: “Free speech is a pillar of a free society and the best way to collectively seek and defend the truth. Firing or canceling those who offend woke sensibilities is grotesque, illiberal and un-American.” She didn’t mention her Klan-hood incident as a prime example of forcing cancel culture.
This was concluded by an end-of-video finale from much of the cast:
BRENT BOZELL: So a word directly to the protesters, the rioters and the hoodlums out in force these last several weeks.
MARK LEVIN: How dare you disrespect out heroes and trample on our heritage!
MARK BRANDON (president of FreedomWorks): How dare you rampage in our streets!
DENEEN BORELLI: How dare you intimidate and beat people with whom you disagree!
DAN BONGINO: Your hideous tactics match the hateful rot and ideology you champion.
CHARLIE DANIELS: You will not redefine America or frighten good, honest Americans into submission.
DANA LOESCH: We want to assure you of one thing.
JENNY BETH MARTIN: You will lose!
TOM FITTON: Your vandalism and cancellation, your lies and riots, will not stand.
TONY PERKINS (Family Research Council president): We live in the last, best hope of mankind, and we’re not about to lose it to a bunch of fanatics, added and abetted by a complicit media and cowardly corporations.
BOZELL: You will not prevail. America will prevail — today, tomorrow, and by the grace of God, forever.
Bozell and his buddies have decided that the death of George Floyd and other examples of police brutality that sparked all the unrest in the first place must be flushed down the memory hole.