It’s one thing to be an ideologue; it is another thing to be a pernicious liar, foolish to the point that you believe everything belched from your mouth is sacrosanct. It’s another thing to be such a fool of narcissism that you think everyone else believes whatever you say, simply because you said it. That, however, is the mindset of Democrats.
The news media aired around the clock programming of Obama doing everything but lifting his skirt as he curtsied and bowed low to terrorist dictators. The Obama media praised his condemnation of America in 2019, when he told a gathering of globalists in Europe “Europe was better than the United States.” (See: “Obama Insults America On Foreign Soil And It Is Worse than Ever,” Carmine Sabia, The Federalist Papers, April 7, 2019.)
In Strasbourg, Germany, Obama condemned America as arrogant. A speech the Heritage Foundation called “one of the most damaging, if not the most damaging speech by a U.S. president on foreign soil in modern times.” (See: “Worst Than Jimmy Carter,” Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. The Heritage Foundation, April 30, 2009.)
Obama is responsible for homosexuality introduced in grades K-5. He is responsible for putting our wives, our daughters, our mothers, at risk because of his edicts ordering women’s bathrooms and shower facilities be open to any man who claimed to be a woman and vice versa. This proved to provide government-protected hunting grounds for the lowest forms of humanity.
[…]Thankfully Obama is no longer in office; but his co-commander in deconstruction of America, Joe Biden, wants us to believe that he can lead America forward better than President Trump.
My question is: based upon what evidence? Biden has a nearly 50-year record of unprecedented failure on every quantifiable level. This is not hyperbolism; it is cold facts, and there are video records of Biden in his own words that stand as monuments to his incompetence and corruption.
Biden is non compos mentis. He is clearly of an unsound mind.
[…]But, somehow that doesn’t apply to Democrats. Hillary Clinton screamed like a skanky old banshee exuding a musky smell of perspiration and stale-urine body odor: “What difference does it make” – and the pathetic sycophants on hostile news programs saw nothing wrong. After all, it was only Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty. Just four Americans she and Obama sentenced to death because of their tacit refusal to provide lifesaving assistance.
— Mychal Massie, Aug. 31 WorldNetDaily column