WorldNetDaily particularly loved to smear President Obama with the “Manchurian candidate” tag — so much, in fact, that then-reporter Aaron Klein wrote an entire book about Obama called “The Manchurian President.” WND columnist tried that smear against President Biden in a June 16 column praising Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin for standing in the way of Biden White House initiatives:
As a man of great political courage looking to impact such change and encourage more bipartisan discussion, it seems Manchin could play a much more effective role simply by surrendering his Democratic Party credentials and declaring himself an Independent. The move would cause those Senate Democrats lacking the courage to voice their own concerns about their party’s sharp turn to the left to realize it is time to speak up and work with their Republican counterparts in the best interests of the people.
Biden’s leftist actions since taking office raise concerns he is giving reality to the concept of the “Manchurian Candidate” – the politician whose disloyalty to country is influenced by others harboring undemocratic intentions. In Biden’s rush to socialism, assisted by a Senate under Democratic Party control, it is comforting to know a “Manchinian Candidate” – a politician loyal to the republic established by our Founding Fathers – stands in his way of implementing such an agenda.
Zumwalt, of course, offers no evidence to back up his claim that Biden’s a “Manchurian candidate.”
Zumwalt also praised John McCain for his bipartisan approach that enabled him “to walk a bipartisan political tightrope for 31 years until his 2018 death,” further touting Manchin as “the Democratic Party’s equivalent to John McCain.” But Zumwalt seems to have forgotten that McCain himself was smeared as a “Manchurian candidate” but right-wingers who didn’t like his bipartisanship. Ironic, eh?