WorldNetDaily columnist Ilana Mercer has a weird fixation on her idea of manhood, so it’s no surprise that one of the things she did in support of the trucker protest in Canada was insult the manhood of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as she did in her Feb. 17 column:
Where, in the story of the travails of the world’s heroes, the Canadian Truckers for Freedom, are we?
Justine Trudeau, who fled like a girl into hiding when the lorry drivers, kids in tow, first arrived in Ottawa, has done what this writer had feared he’d do: After instituting some of the most diabolical COVID restrictions in the world, Justine has the dubious distinction of invoking “the never-used Emergencies Act,” martial law, in essence, to quash peaceful, democratic civil disobedience, with nary a democratic debate in the People’s House of Commons.
“With the emergency powers,” warns legal scholar Jonathan Turley, “Trudeau can now prohibit travel, public assemblies, conduct widespread arrests and block donations for the truckers. This also includes freezing bank accounts and ramping up police surveillance and enforcement.”
Been there done that, Mr. Turley, Esq.: Trudeau had already instituted some of these measures through COVID restrictions. Countrywide, unvaccinated Canadians have been locked out of society, turned into untouchables. They cannot travel within their own country, work for their own government, attend university without being shamed and segregated, or take employment in the health sector, public or private.
And he’s done this evil with vim and venom. Never before have I heard a Western leader boil over with bile for his mostly-white, working-class countrymen. With his daily invective, Trudeau outdoes the Democrats, stateside. Having libeled the truckers as racists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers – Trudeau likewise regularly calls the unvaccinated racists, misogynists and anti-science extremists, even pondering whether he should “tolerate these people.”
Mercer didn’t exactly debunk Trudeau’s assertion; instead, she whined that “Not only is the tinpot dictator Trudeau currently moving to arrest protesters – but he is freezing private property in the form of funds belonging to these brave, working-class individualists.” In reality, the protests interfered with business in Ottawa and blocked U.S.-Canada trade, costing local businesses millions of dollars in revenue and blocking billions of dollars in trade.
When Trudeau finally cracked down and dispersed the disruptive protesters, Mercer went the white nationalism route (with another dose of insulting Trudeau’s manhood) in her Feb, 24 column:
Although our side won the first round – Canadian dicktator Justine Trudeau having suddenly caved and revoked the unconstitutional emergency powers seized for no good reason shortly after extending them – the battle is just beginning. We are not afraid to say that this is part of a war on whites.
Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty lovers across the West, was purely class-based and a multicultural affair. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind spot papered-over on our side, although it is an unspoken reality.
We believe that the crackdown in Canada is anti-white in essence and that such an assertion is axiomatically true. Was it not self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out? Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he did, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working trucker families, if this protest were brown and black in sizable numbers? Please!
Do you think that the “man,” Justine, would have labeled and libeled the truckers as racists, extremists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers if a good chunk of them were brown and black? Neva! In operation is the bias that dare not speak its name – for to point out anti-white racism is itself considered racist.
[…]Imagine if Donald Trump had declared a state of emergency under the U.S. National Emergencies Act during the 2020 race riots. Imagine how the degenerate progressives who framed BLM-wrought destruction as a form of national cleansing and renewal would have reacted. This columnist had actually called for bringing in the Feds to uphold natural rights, on the grounds that “protection of natural rights trumps federalism.” But nothing materialized. Trump left law and order up to states and localities. He and the useless GOP impressed upon us that if we expected our natural right to live unmolested by mobs be upheld, we Deplorables would have to relocate to states like Florida or South Dakota.
Trudeau has implemented the Jan. 6 playbook in Canada.
Mercer seems to think that criminals shouldn’t be treated like criminals. Again, she doesn’t disprove Trudeau’s claims about some of those in the protest. And those petty insults of Trudeau’s manhood make her look silly.