Carole Hornsby Haynes — a self-proclaimed “education analyst, curriculum specialist, historian, and classical pianist” who wants you to know she has a Ph.D. — used her March 31 WorldNetDaily column to attack the alleged transgender status of the perpetrator of a gun massacre at a school in Nashville, starting with the unfounded smear that all transgender people are mentally ill:
How could this shy young woman from a Christian family turn into a calculating, transgender terrorist, killing six? It’s not surprising that she was under care for an emotional disorder. Transgender individuals are almost four times as likely as cisgender people to have a mental-health condition, including mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia, personality disorders, autism, substance use disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders.
The study to which she links also noted that “Improved social support in childhood among transgender persons may be a critical mental illness in adulthood as described in this article” — in other words, social stigma of the kind Hornsby Haynes is apparently endorsing contributes to mental illness among transgender people.
She then went way into the weeds to blame the massacre on sex education in, um, Hungary:
Although the public is bewildered by this national trend toward transgenderism and homosexuality, history provides the answer as to why.
The origins of radical sex education date back nearly a century to a Marxist program implemented in Hungarian public schools in their quest to destroy Christianity and the family in Western Europe. The curriculum included sex lectures and graphic instructional materials about free love and sexual intercourse. Students were encouraged to ridicule and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. Hate was turned toward parents, clergy and all dissenters.
The program was a huge success. Continued exposure to atheism, radical sex education and rebellion against authority turned Hungarian students into bullies, thieves, murderers, sex predators and sociopaths who disrespected authority.
Hornsby Haynes linked an article she wrote in 2019 from which she pulled much of this attack, and went on to identify the person who introduced sex education in Hungary, from which all of this purportedly comes, as Georg Lukacs.You may not be surprised to learn that this attack appears to be less than factual.
Lukacs was a Marxist philosopher who who spent more time in Berliln and Moscow than he did in Hungary. His actual direct influence on education, though, appears to have been limited: he was a “People’s Commissar for Education and Culture” in the Hungarian Soviet Republic, which controlled the country for a few months in 1919 before collapsing; communism didn’t return to Hungary again until after World War II, and he became critical of Hungary’s links to the Soviet Union.
If one guy on Reddit is to be believed, the portrayal of Lukacs’ sex education plan as extreme comes from research Victor Zitta, who relied on historians with an anti-Semitic bent who would be prone to smear Jewish intellectuals like Lukacs. Other historians say the sex education was much more tame.
Factual inaccuracy wasn’t about to stop Hornsby Haynes from continuing to blame education, of course:
Nearly all states have dropped their bans against the teaching of LGBT propaganda in public schools, leaving only Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Louisiana. So it’s not surprising that Hale had an emotional disorder and transitioned to a “male.” She attended Tennessee public schools from 2006-2014 where she was subjected to far left-wing indoctrination, LGBT curriculum and the discrediting of Christianity.
Hardening schools with armed security is not going to stop school shootings that are a consequence of the moral decay of our nation. American public schools are churning out students who exhibit the same characteristics found in Hungarian youth after implementation of a radical sex curriculum – violent, murderers, sociopaths, sex predators and God-haters. The Communist goal of creating student hatred for America, our Founding Fathers, Christianity and American capitalism has been achieved.
Looks like Hornsby Haynes wants to impose her own form of propaganda in schools.
Carole Hornsby Haynes — a self-proclaimed “education analyst, curriculum specialist, historian, and classical pianist” who wants you to know she has a Ph.D. — used her March 31 WorldNetDaily column to attack the alleged transgender status of the perpetrator of a gun massacre at a school in Nashville, starting with the unfounded smear that all transgender people are mentally ill:
How could this shy young woman from a Christian family turn into a calculating, transgender terrorist, killing six? It’s not surprising that she was under care for an emotional disorder. Transgender individuals are almost four times as likely as cisgender people to have a mental-health condition, including mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, schizophrenia, personality disorders, autism, substance use disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorders.
The study to which she links also noted that “Improved social support in childhood among transgender persons may be a critical mental illness in adulthood as described in this article” — in other words, social stigma of the kind Hornsby Haynes is apparently endorsing contributes to mental illness among transgender people.
She then went way into the weeds to blame the massacre on sex education in, um, Hungary:
Although the public is bewildered by this national trend toward transgenderism and homosexuality, history provides the answer as to why.
The origins of radical sex education date back nearly a century to a Marxist program implemented in Hungarian public schools in their quest to destroy Christianity and the family in Western Europe. The curriculum included sex lectures and graphic instructional materials about free love and sexual intercourse. Students were encouraged to ridicule and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. Hate was turned toward parents, clergy and all dissenters.
The program was a huge success. Continued exposure to atheism, radical sex education and rebellion against authority turned Hungarian students into bullies, thieves, murderers, sex predators and sociopaths who disrespected authority.
Hornsby Haynes linked an article she wrote in 2019 from which she pulled much of this attack, and went on to identify the person who introduced sex education in Hungary, from which all of this purportedly comes, as Georg Lukacs. You may not be surprised to learn that this attack appears to be less than factual.
Lukacs was a Marxist philosopher who who spent more time in Berliln and Moscow than he did in Hungary. His actual direct influence on education, though, appears to have been limited: he was a “People’s Commissar for Education and Culture” in the Hungarian Soviet Republic, which controlled the country for a few months in 1919 before collapsing; communism didn’t return to Hungary again until after World War II, and he became critical of Hungary’s links to the Soviet Union.
If one guy on Reddit is to be believed, the portrayal of Lukacs’ sex education plan as extreme comes from research Victor Zitta, who relied on historians with an anti-Semitic bent who would be prone to smear Jewish intellectuals like Lukacs. Other historians say the sex education was much more tame.
Factual inaccuracy wasn’t about to stop Hornsby Haynes from continuing to blame education, of course:
Nearly all states have dropped their bans against the teaching of LGBT propaganda in public schools, leaving only Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and Louisiana. So it’s not surprising that Hale had an emotional disorder and transitioned to a “male.” She attended Tennessee public schools from 2006-2014 where she was subjected to far left-wing indoctrination, LGBT curriculum and the discrediting of Christianity.
Hardening schools with armed security is not going to stop school shootings that are a consequence of the moral decay of our nation. American public schools are churning out students who exhibit the same characteristics found in Hungarian youth after implementation of a radical sex curriculum – violent, murderers, sociopaths, sex predators and God-haters. The Communist goal of creating student hatred for America, our Founding Fathers, Christianity and American capitalism has been achieved.
Looks like Hornsby Haynes wants to impose her own form of propaganda in schools.
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