The Media Research Center continues to wage war on transgender people. Tim Graham had a meltdown over a cooking show in an April 15 post:
Even food shows have to be woke. On the April 9 episode of CNN’s the Desperate Housewives star promoted “two-spirited” trans women in the province of Oaxaca.
You could consider this the P.C. antithesis of the Great British Baking Show doing a brief cheesy comedy routine in sombreros to kick off “Mexican Week,” which was greeted on the Left like a hate crime.
[…]After some prep cooking, Longoria, speaking in Spanish with subtitles, asked “And what’s your love life like? Can you go out with someone?”
One of the muxes replied “Yes, our custom, our culture is different. We have partners, but in secret. We go out with heterosexuals because they’re more manly.”
They’re “heterosexuals”? Another man in a dress added “If he doesn’t want to, then he’s a coward and I don’t want him.” Longoria laughed heartily. What a silly heterosexual!
Graham concluded by sneering, “LGBT advocacy is obviously a crucial part of CNN.” And vicious hatred of LGBT people is obviously a crucial part of the MRC.
Two days later, Graham played comedy cop over a non-binary “Saturday Night Live” cast member:
When NBC’s Saturday Night Live made the dramatic announcement that they’d hired their first “non-binary” cast member, you could guess that the lectures would follow. Molly Kearney unloaded a sermon for “trans kids” on the fake-news “Weekend Update” segment on Saturday.
Over giggles, “Weekend Update” co-host Michael Che tried to be earnest: “Since the start of this year, over 400 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced across the country, many of which target trans youth. Here to talk about it is someone with their own introduction.”
Then over rock music, an announcer yelled “Introducing SNL‘s first nonbinary cast member. It’s Molly Kearney!” Kearney was lowered down from above in a harness.
[…]“That’s an awesome transition,” said Che, smirking at the double entendre. “As of this week, there are now over 14 states that have passed bills restricting health care for trans kids.”
Kearney responded: “Listen to that, Michael, restricting health care for kids. For some reason, there’s something about the word trans that makes people forget the word kids. If you don’t care about trans kids’ lives, it means you don’t care about fricking kids’ lives!” The audience cheered wildly.
Amputating a teenager’s breasts or penis is “health care for kids.” If you don’t want the amputations, then you don’t care about kids!
Then Kearney made a joke about how she was left in the harness too long, but said “we have a code word for emergencies,” “trans rights.” Then confetti fell from the ceiling. “That was the code for confetti! My bad!” Har har har.
In another April 17 post, Clay Waters tried to gaslight people by blaming transgender people for being hated by his fellow right-wingers:
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? When it comes to the transgender agenda, only the opposition is “mobilizing.” On the front page of Sunday’s paper, The New York Times falsely cast conservatives as the culture-war instigators over the controversy of transgender children on Sunday’s front page: “How a Campaign Against Transgender Rights Mobilized Conservatives.”
The subheadline oozed anti-GOP cynicism:
Defeated on same-sex marriage, the religious right went searching for an issue that would re-energize supporters and donors. The campaign that followed has stunned political leaders across the spectrum.
In the Trump years, the Times thrilled its liberal readership with the motto “Truth: It’s more important now than ever.” But obviously, when it comes to transgender issues, the feelings of people are Truth, and the biological realities are somehow just a sad excuse for a conservative crusade.
Reporters Adam Nagourney and Jeremy Peters (both of whom are gay activists in their work) wrote as if defeated social conservatives cynically went out to pick a fight against an imaginary foe, as if the left didn’t start the transgender fight through demands for “gender-affirming care,” howls about unsubstantiated epidemics of trans suicides, and invading women’s spaces, especially sports for women and girls.
[…]The Times never considers the idea conservatives are fighting for children not to be subject to irrevocable surgical operations at a vulnerable age, or trying to protect women’s spaces like locker rooms and restrooms from male intrusion and possible violence.
Waters doesn’t explain why the conservative war against transgender people should be assumed to have only pure motives and not the result of a search for a new target designed to generate hate and donations.
Similarly, an April 20 post by Alex Christy didn’t want people to think the right-wing anti-transgender war has any ill effects on the transgender people they’re targeting:
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell teamed up with Politico White House correspondent Eugene Daniels to reduce the integrity of women’s sports to GOP “red meat” with Daniels taking it a step further, accusing Republicans of villainizing people and implying such bills lead to suicides.
Mitchell’s “red meat” remarks about Republicans playing to their base came as she simultaneously condemned them for not doing what the Democratic base and the media—but we repeat ourselves— want, “And Eugene, Republicans today also passed a transgender sports ban for schools. Now, this is red meat for the base, but it’s going to be vetoed, you know, if it got through the Senate. Meanwhile, they are not doing anything about guns or a lot of other issues.”
[…]Daniels then played the suicide card, “And when you talk to these advocates, this is what they were worried about and most importantly, I think they are worried about the numbers, the vast numbers, disproportionate numbers of young trans people who either kill themselves or feel scared living in this country as folks try to pass bills like this and so it’s red meat for the base, it’s not going to go anywhere and also it’s—it’ll will be interesting how the politics of this plays out in general elections, right?”
Ignoring that public opinion is on the GOP side, Daniels concluded, “People don’t typically–have not gone to the ballots in strong waves against transgender people, that is something Republicans have been trying to do but it doesn’t seem like it will try to work. So how they do that as it moves forward in a presidential when you have Democrats painting this Republican Party as extremists and pretty extreme on this issue in particular.”
Mitchell would follow up by agreeing, telling USA Today’s “I’m not sure it has the constituency” to win a general election.” Meanwhile, MSNBC’s position polls in the twenties and thirties.
Destroying the lives of people because it’s politically popular to do so is quite the take. The next day, Christy complained that someone argued the issue of transgender athletes isn’t as black-and-white as right-wingers like himself want you to believe:
In theory, Alyssa Farah Griffin is supposed to be one of CNN’s conservative commentators, but in the real world that conservatism is often missing. On Friday’s CNN This Morning, Farah Griffin lamented that Republicans don’t appreciate the “nuance” of “transwomen in sports” and condemned the GOP and the White House for not compromising on a dichotomous issue.
Co-host Poppy Harlow began by telling Farah Griffin that “We were really intrigued by this sort of tweet thread you posted yesterday referring to polling about LGBTQ support. There is a distinction here, as you want to point out, between support for transgender women and girls playing in male sports. But my question to you is what is the bigger picture you’re trying to point to here?”
[…]As for the sports question, Farah Griffin claimed “The transwomen in sports issue is a very nuanced issue and Congress is where nuance goes to die. I mean, the breakdown of that vote just shows that there was absolutely no effort to try to meet in the middle and find something that works for both sides.”
It isn’t nuanced. Running, swimming, and other sports are not like the chess club and the fallacious argument to moderation does not change that. Nevertheless, Farah Griffin continued, “I have talked to a lot of parents, mostly, you know, who have female daughters, who have concerns over this issue. But there is certainly something that I think is a step below a federal bar on trans athletes competing in women’s sports that could be reached.”
Now Christy is opposed to”moderation” when it comes to transgender people — they must be hated with all the partisan force he can muster.
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