The Media Research Center does have a bit of a case of Pete Buttigieg Derangement Syndrome — we’ve documented how it tried to blame the effects of an Ohio train derailment (even though right-wingers typically oppose governmental intrusion in local matters and that the railroad, not the government, was really to blame). Alex Christy followed up in an April 26 post complaining that Buttigieg appeared on “The Daily Show” and “accused some Republicans of not being tough enough on railroad companies when it comes to rail safety,” then whined that he “incorrectly use[d] the word ‘literally.'”
Tim Graham, however, had a total meltdown over a Wired magazine profile of Buttigieg in a May 18 post headlined “Internet Ipecac”:
Wired magazine used to tout itself as “the Rolling Stone of technology,” and like Rolling Stone, it enjoys publishing sticky valentines to leading Democrats. Conservatives are pointing and laughing at this profile by Virginia Heffernan, a Los Angeles Times columnist and Wired contributor:
Pete Buttigieg Loves God, Beer, and His Electric Mustang
Sure, the US secretary of transportation has thoughts on building bridges. But infrastructure occupies just a sliver of his voluminous mind.This clearly invokes 2007-era Obama hagiography, minus the admiration for Barack’s “chiseled pectorals.” Liberal minds are so incredibly sharp and expansive! Even their photographs of Buttigieg are ponderous:
Graham went on to whine that the profile noted that Buttigieg is religious, going on to sneer: “Anyone touting the ‘robust Catholicism’ and religious sincerity of President ‘Rosary in my Pocket’ Biden is clearly a Democrat. Biden is robustly pro-abortion and devoutly pro-LGBTQ.” Graham did not provide evidence that Catholicism demand that people hate LGBTQ people the way that he and his fellow right-wingers do.
Graham closed with one more meltdown:
After a pile of denigrating remarks about Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson and the “androgen-addled, Putin-besotted ideologues” on the right, this question takes the religion cake:
HEFFERNAN: Running DOT seems to suit you. Are there more ways the challenges of transportation speak to your spiritual side?
BUTTIGIEG: There’s just a lot in the scriptural tradition around journeys, around roads, right? The conversion of Saint Paul happens on the road. I think we are all nearer to our spiritual potential when we’re on the move. Something about movement, something about travel pulls us out of the routines that numb us to who we are, to what we’re doing, to everything from our relationships with each other to our relationships with God….
Virginia Hefferman is paid by Wired, but she clearly earned a generous payout from Buttigieg in his persistent attempts to paint himself as Caucasian Obama.
That complaint is rich coming from someone who turned the blog he runs into an aggressive PR division of Ron DeSantis that he and his subordinates really should be on his payroll.
(Graham wasn’t alone: Fox News was also bothered by the interview, pulling the MRC-style rhetorical trick of portraying a single article as a purported indictment of the entire non-right-wing media.)