Michael Brown served up a little huffiness about Donald Trump-related prophecies in his Jan. 8 WorldNetDaily column:
Come November 2024, if Donald Trump is on the presidential ballot, he may be your candidate of choice. By then, he may have won the GOP nomination in a landslide. And for you, hands down, he may be your man for any of a thousand reasons. He may even be our next president.
That is not my issue here. In fact, my issue is not political at all.
It is spiritual. It is prophetic. It is about the honor of the Lord and the reputation of the Spirit. It is about credibility.
And if there is a prophetic word that God is speaking now about the 2024 elections, it is simply this: “Enough already with the Donald Trump prophecies!”
There is still egg on our faces because of the 2020 debacle. (When I say “our faces” it is because I am a leader in the Pentecostal/Charismatic church. And even though I worked hard with others to call for prophetic accountability and to rebuke the false prophecies about Trump, this is my family, so there is egg on all of our faces. This is my mess too.)
Tragically and inexcusably, there is still denial and deception and duplicity about the failed prophecies, all in the name of the Lord.
There is still excuse making and finger pointing and blame shifting without any accountability and integrity, to the point that some of the “prophets” who blew it most egregiously – I mean prophesying specific dates and time lines that flatly did not pan out – have continued to prophesy about Trump to this day, without correction or apology.
Brown has done this on occasion after Trump’s 2020 election loss. For instance, a column by Brown published on Jan. 6, 2021 — the day of the Capitol riot — stated that “The Bible never told me (or you) that Trump (or any other presidential candidate) would be elected,” adding, “John 3:16 will remain true long after the Trump reelection prophecies are forgotten. Don’t confuse what is written in the Word with some alleged prophetic words.” In a June 2021 column, Brown complained that “there are ‘prophets’ claiming that Trump is the legitimate president in God’s sight and that, very shortly, he will be restored to power by the military. And it is ‘prophets’ like this who made headlines last year as their guarantees of Trump’s reelection fell to the ground.”
But Brown would rather not be reminded that he too dabbled in the Trump-prophecy game. A July 2019 column repeated other claims that Trump is like the biblical King Jehu, who “who defeated Hillary Clinton, who was a Jezebel-type figure, being a pioneer feminist who stood against godly values,” adding:
To be sure, they are nothing more than comparisons. And Hillary Clinton is hardly the same as Jezebel, a woman who actually slaughtered the prophets of Israel.
What does seem clear is this (and this holds true whether you love Trump or loathe him): An alpha male leader like Donald Trump will come into direct conflict with the radical, feminist spirit, the spirit of Jezebel. It cannot be avoided.
In short, the Trump candidacy, followed by the Trump presidency, has brought the worst of radical feminism to the surface.
In that sense, it has caused Jezebel to come out of the shadows and into the forefront.
In that sense, Trump is like Jehu, the man who drove “recklessly,” the leader who drove like a “madman,” like a “maniac.”
[…]To be sure, there is a lot of female anger towards Trump because of his ugly, sexist past, including both alleged actions and recorded comments.
This is totally understandable, also causing many of these women to ask how any evangelical Christian could vote for him, support him, or work for him.
But the truth be told, some of the female anger toward Trump – really, it is outright rage – is due to the fact that he has become a pro-life champion, one of the more surprising developments in political memory. He is standing for God’s cause, just as Jehu did.
His Supreme Court appointees could threaten Roe v. Wade, which is one of Jezebel’s most carefully guided prizes. And these women will fight and scratch and claw to keep their “right” to abort.
A man like Trump, for better or worse, brings an angry, even hysterical, radical feminist spirit to the surface.
And that is why Jezebel is so enraged. Her agenda is being threatened. She is confronting her Jehu again.
Nevertheless, Brown continued in his Jan. 8 column ranting about pro-Trump prophecies:
Repent! This is garbage! This is a stench in God’s nostrils! Enough!
The good news is that the deception has only become more blatant over the years.
The bad news is that countless thousands (millions?) of gullible followers still buy into this garbage, which must be fairly lucrative as well.
What the larger Body of Christ (and certainly the secular world) may not know is that some of the most respected charismatic prophets did not prophesy a Trump victory. They offered no prophetic words at all about the elections, recognizing that God had not spoken to them about it.
Yet their good names have been marred because of the errors of so many others, which is a real shame.
I even have colleagues who don’t claim to be prophets who reached out to me some months before November 2020, saying that God showed them that Biden would be president, one reason being the degree to which many Christians had made Trump into an idol.
These voices, however, were totally obscured by the landslide of pro-Trump prophecies, and in the days to come, you can expect to hear these pro-Trump “prophets” shouting from the rooftops again.
This time around, let’s ignore them – or, when appropriate, let’s call them to account and expose them.
Remember that Brown wrote two books designed to encourage evangelicals to overlook Trump’s viciousness and amorality and vote for him because he was delivering the right-wing goods, and we don’t recall him ever repenting for that.