Alveda King — who insists on billing herself as “Dr. Alveda C. King” despite the fact that, as her biography states, her doctorate is honorary — continues to ride the coattails of her uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., in her Jan. 15 Newsmax column:
New Year 2024 begins with the observance of the Annual Martin Luther King Holiday Let Freedom Ring, followed quickly by the Annual March for Life. I believe if my uncle were here, he would remind us to “learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] and not perish together as fools.”
As to the March for Life, I’m reminded of Uncle M.L.’s words in his last Christmas sermon: “When we value the human personality, we won’t kill anybody.” Human life and human dignity matter; from the womb to the tomb and beyond.
She then contradicted herself:
If at all possible, and where applicable, we should focus more on the Gospel of Jesus Christ rather than politics. Let your dreams, visions, prayers and plans align with God’s Plan for you. That includes voting responsibly: for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Never mind, of course, that Alveda was just playing politics by invoking anti-abortion talking points, even though her column is headlined “MLK’s Dream for 2024: Focus on Gospel, Not Politics.” Others, of course, have no problem exploiting King for political purposes, as Star Parker did her Jan. 10 syndicated column, also published at Newsmax:
This year, 2024, marks the 60th anniversary of the signing into law of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Soon we observe the national day set aside to note and honor the leader of the movement that led to that act becoming law: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We must ask how, after 60 years, with vast changes in the world, with developments in technology unimaginable 60 years ago, that we remain obsessed with race. How is it that claims of racism, injustice and unfairness persist like nothing happened?
[…]Over these 60 years since the Civil Rights Act became law, courts took the Bible and prayer out of public schools, legalized abortion and changed our legal understanding of what defines marriage.
The godless socialism of DEI — diversity, equity, inclusion — has replaced good and evil as our perspective on social justice.
As we have purged religion and replaced it with politics, we have lost the core of a religious world view. There is good and evil, and the Creator gave free choice and personal responsibility to choose to each individual.
Without this, the freedom we allegedly care so much about has little meaning.
Actually, the Supreme Court ruling in question banned organized government prayer — not all prayer –and it came in 1962, two years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed.
King herself broke her own rule in her Feb. 19 column, which began this way:
Black History Month gives us a chance to reflect on legacy and service.
As we observe Black History Month this February, I am blessed to reflect on my family’s history — “The King Family Legacy.”
While we have grown from tragedy to triumph, there are always poignant reflections, especially during February of each year: Black History Month.
She then fully violated her policy by doing a commercial for Donald Trump:
Our nation’s 45th president, Donald J. Trump, never pandered to Blacks.
- He didn’t offer handouts.
- He didn’t embrace pro-abortion rights and anti-family policies.
- Instead, Blacks experienced breakthroughs, human dignity, and new opportunities to dream and succeed in life.
Reflecting on policies like Opportunity Zones, tax cuts and regulation recissions, school choice, a secure border, and global stability helped lower Black unemployment and poverty rates.
The Black poverty rate hit the lowest levels ever recorded in our nation’s history.
Black median household income rise to the highest it’s ever been.
Sadly, this progress was interrupted, and all of these trends were reversed the moment Joe Biden assumed office.
[…]In abandoning solutions that work, inclusive of anti-abortion initiatives and education reform, the current administration has been more interested in things like distributing crack pipes in the name of “racial equity.”
Meanwhile stirring the “race-baiting” pot continues, as anti-family and anti-life policies are foisted upon not just Blacks, but others.
Many minds are reeling at this seemingly overt effort to not only rebuke Dr. King’s, and the American Dream, but outright revoke it.My heart breaks over our America today!
So much for focusing more on the Gospel of Jesus Christ rather than politics.